EU – did you know?

Ignorance laughs at voters. Do you know the spirituality that drives the EU?

‘The United States of Europe must be a political reality or it cannot be an economic one.’Arthur Salter,

The United States of Europe (1931). The history of the EU proves that the ideology it is built upon will not go away. Powerful, sometimes ‘backroom’, politicians, along with powerful businessmen are working to prevent Britain leaving the EU. I said in a previous article that getting the EU out of Britain will be a greater challenge than getting Britain out of the EU.

One pro-EU Christian commentator has written about how sixty years ago, when the Treaty of Romewas signed to start the European Economic Community, what those in attendance from Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed on the day was not the official document, but one made up of mostly empty pages.The official document with the agreed text was still on a train from Brussels held up somewhere on the Swiss border. The authorities decided they would go ahead with the signing ceremony, and their signatures were added to the pile of blank paper. Nevertheless, the commentator says, their intentions were genuine…while those Protestants that viewed this development as what he calls the “Roman Plot” to fulfil Revelation 17 were wrong; and since, in his view, it isn’t the Roman Empire, the EU is a good thing. Not every Christian viewed or views the EU as the revived Roman Empire, but many do see the deception of this union of Europe. Some Christian organisations encouraged people to vote for the EU because it would be easier to change it from within; but they did not take into account the seriousness of the various deceptions. You cannot change Hell from within!

The intention and aims of the union have been hidden from view from the beginning. The whole concept has been, and is, one of deception.

Did you know that the core principles which were to shape the evolution of the ‘European project’ from the early 1950s onwards had in fact originated in the minds of two men back in the 1920s? One of the men, who went on to become well-known, was a French former brandy salesman, Jean Monnet. The other man was Monnet’s close friend, Arthur Salter, an English civil servant. Both had held senior posts in the League of Nations. Their purpose was to create a wholly integrated ‘United States of Europe’, ruled by an unelected ‘supranational’ government.

Did you know that in 1941, when most of Europe was under Nazi or Fascist rule, an obscure Italian ex-Communist named Altiero Spinelli,imprisoned on an island off the Italian coast, set out his vision for when World War Two was over. His vision was that enlightened politicians should set about building a ‘United States of Europe’. Spinelli’s plan included quietly assembling all the essential ingredients of this new state, without revealing too openly what was their purpose. The citizens of Europe should not be directly consulted, until at last all was ready for the summoning of a ‘constituent assembly’ to draw up a ‘constitution’. Only then would the people be allowed to acclaim their new constitution by voting for it; marking not the beginning of the process whereby a ‘United States of Europe’ was created, but its culmination, its ‘crowning dream’: the moment when the goal could finally be revealed. Monnet didn’t like Spinelli and saw to it that he remained relatively anonymous for many years. However, in the last decade of his life, Spinelli emerged from the shadows to play a crucially influential role in shepherding the project towards its conclusion.

Did you know that a fourth man and visionary to appear on the scene was Paul-Henri Spaak. He was the Prime Minister of Belgium. It was Spaak that urged on his friend Monnet that the most effective way to disguise their project’s political purpose was to conceal it behind the pretence that it was concerned only with economic cooperation, based on dismantling trade barriers: a ‘common market’.

Did you know that in the 1950s it was deliberately decided to disguise that ultimate goal, and only to work towards ‘ever closer union’, step by step, starting with the pretence that what was being set up was only a trading arrangement, a ‘Common Market’?

Did you know that the attempt to impose a ‘Constitution for Europe’ which had just been rejected by the voters of France and Holland – was, in 2007 smuggled back in, virtually unchanged, as the Lisbon Treaty?


Did you know that when Britain applied to join in 1961, the Macmillan government deliberately decided to go along with the same deceit?  Macmillan and Edward Heath,his ‘minister for Europe’ had been fully briefed behind the scenes that the real aim was full political and economic union. Yet they decided, for ‘presentational’ reasons, to conceal this from the British people behind the same pretence that we were only joining a ‘Common Market’. Britain under then Prime Minister Edward Heath, went on to join the European Economic Community (EEC). It was on October 28 1971, that the Commons voted with a 112 majority to go into Europe.

Did you know that the reason behind the French President de Gaulle’s veto of Britain’s application to join, was that he wanted first of all to get firmly in place the financial arrangements for the Common Agricultural Policy, allowing Britain to hand over huge sums to subsidise his French farmers and to buy in return some of their resulting surpluses? Only when this had finally been put in place in 1969 was Britain welcome to join. Heath was desperate to do this when elected prime minister the next year. And throughout the negotiations, Heath followed that same policy of deception, hiding what he well knew was the real aim, full political and economic union, by repeatedly claiming that our membership would involve ‘no essential loss of sovereignty’.

Even while the negotiations were continuing, Heath learned that there were already plans in Brussels for a single currency, and had to send over his Europe minister to beg them to keep this under wraps until Britain was safely in: just as his ministers deliberately lied to Parliament about the extent to which we had given away the richest fishing waters in Europe as part of our price of entry. The deceptions continued with secret plans in the early 1980s for further moves towards integration so ambitious that it was agreed they would require not just one new treaty but two. The first of these, the Single European Actin 1986, was again sold to the British people as involving no more than the setting up of a ‘Single Market’, when in reality it was much more than that and just what its title should have indicated: a further giant step towards creating a ‘Single Europe’.

The second of these two planned treaties was signed at Maastricht in 1992, transforming the ‘European Community’ into the ‘European Union’ and launching on its way the single currency and much more. This included the first serious moves towards giving the fast-emerging ‘government of Europe’ its own foreign and defence policies, supported after 1997 by Tony Blair. Blair was a great enthusiast for giving the now vastly expanding European Union its own ‘Constitution’ after 2001. Blair is a great opponent of Brexit, even since the result of the Referendum!

Mrs Thatcher was the only British Prime Minister to try to explain what had always been the ‘project’s’ real ultimate goal: just as we were never told the truth by David Cameronwhen he staged his referendum in 2016.

Do you know and understand how consistently and comprehensively the British people have been deceived?

Did you know that through what had come to be known to its insiders as ‘the project’, the continent’s politicians had for half a century been seeking gradually to construct and to impose on their peoples a unique system of government. One remarkable feature of this political experiment had been how few people really understood its real nature, aims and origins. The form of government it created was unique because it was designed to place the nation states which belonged to it under a ‘supranational’ power, unaccountable to any electorate. It would rule its citizens through the agency of each country’s own national authorities. Although the nation states and their institutions of government remained outwardly intact, all these institutions, from heads of state and parliaments to civil services and judicial systems, in reality became increasingly subject to the decisions and laws of the new power that was above them all.

That system of government is veiled in great complexity. Although it now rules over hundreds of millions of people, few have any idea of how it actually works, how it evolved or what an important part it has come to play in their lives.

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6).