Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Satanist abuse is ‘rife’ in the UK but so too are high-level cover-ups… 

On 6 October 2017 Wiltshire Police published their report regarding Operation Conifer, the investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse and satanist ritual abuse (SRA) against the former UK Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath.

For decades there have been extensive allegations made against Heath of child sexual abuse and SRA. At pages 59 and 60 of the Wiltshire Police report on Operation Coniferare references to SRA. The full summary closure report can be viewed online.1 References to SRA in the report include the following:

Enquiries about Ritual Abuse

8.11.1 During the course of the investigation six victims made disclosures that included allegations that Sir Edward Heath was involved in satanic or ritual abuse.

I would emphasise that 6 victims who did not know each other made such disclosures, so they independently corroborate each other in showing that Edward Heath engaged in Satanist Ritual Abuse. Most sex offenders in the UK are convicted with far less corroborative witnesses available.   

Chief Constable Michael Vealeis to be highly commended for his outstanding courage in ensuring that an investigation was conducted into the allegations against Edward Heath despite the huge pressure placed on him to drop that investigation. As with everything else that helps to publicly expose SRA in the UK, there are usually robust attempts to cover up the facts and silence those who expose this evil. 

Edward Heath was only one of several so-called VIPs who have for many years been alleged to have inflicted SRA on children.Many other British VIPs are also alleged by SRA survivors to be Satanists, subjecting children to SRA, but they have yet to be thoroughly investigated by the police.

The London Evening Standard, published an article on 7 August 2015 reporting that retired British police officers admitted witnessing coverups of child sex abuse cases where VIPs were involved. Some excerpts from this article:

Dozens of retired police officers are “desperate to tell the truth” over claims of sex abuse by high-profile men they were told to keep quiet about, a leading charity said today.

Anti-abuse campaigner Peter Saunders said he had been contacted by former officers working in child protection, who were silenced when allegations against VIPs were made.

The chief executive of the National Association of People Abused in Childhood, who is a consultant for the inquiry into historical sex abuse chaired by Dame Lowell Goddard, said there is a “history of cover-ups”.

“I am in touch with a retired child protection officer who says he is in touch with 30 or 40 other officers and that they are desperate to tell their truth,” Mr. Saunders said. “They have been
silenced for a long time and want to be able to tell people what happened without fear or reprisals.”

This ongoing protection of VIP Abusers, which includes many British Parliamentarians, has profoundly serious consequences for the moral and spiritual health of our nation.

Unfortunately numerous Satanist Ritual Abusers are protected in the UK, not just the ones in Parliament.

The fact that many British politicians are involved in Satanism and SRA helps to explain why we have witnessed so many deeply immoral laws being passed in our land and the legislation that is imposed on us is only becoming more evil. Today Britain is in a similar situation to that described in Ezekiel Chapter 8, where many of the leaders of Israel worshipped demons in secret. God wants us to fully expose evil. (See Ephesians 5:11)

Cultural goals

Satanist Ritual Abusers do not only abuse others,they also wish to transform society and impose their influence and dominance on it. As long ago as 1991 one of the first people to publicly expose SRA in the UK warned about this.

Her name is Dianne Core and she is a Christian. She wrote at page 13 of her book, “Chasing Satan”, about SRA in Britain:  “But there is also a unique cultural dimension to satanic crime. The perpetrators want to change society. Whereas the paedophile is interested only in satisfying his lusts, and otherwise wishes the world to continue as it is, the satanist wants to undermine the institutions and morality of society. In a democracy, they are entitled to pursue such goals, so long as they have the guts to openly declare their objectives; but they are cowards who lurk in dark corners, determined to engineer their objectives secretly.”

Please write to the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary, urging them to ensure that there is a very full, thorough, transparent, public and independent Police investigation into the allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Satanist Ritual Abuse that have been made against socalled VIPs in the UK, including politicians at the Westminster Parliament, and that those responsible for such crimes are swiftly brought to justice. Write to: The Home Secretary, The Rt. Hon. Amber Rudd MP, The Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF and to: The Prime Minister, The Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP,10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA. Please also urge that the UK Government very publicly recognise the findings of Operation Coniferand the courageous efforts of Chief Constable Michael Veale.

Those who claim that SRA does not exist in the UK are either very poorly informed or are deliberately assisting the Satanist abusers to cover up this evil. They also ignore the fact that there have been many successfully prosecuted SRA cases in the UK and that Britain’s largest and leading police force, the Metropolitan Police Service, has publicly acknowledged the existence of Satanic Abuse.

To obtain a list of successfully prosecuted SRA cases in the UK, email Wilfred Wong (address at foot of this article).2

The list of successfully prosecuted SRA cases consists of such cases where the evidence of SRA was openly examined during the trials.  Given the high standard of  evidence required in Britain’s criminal courts in order to secure a conviction (‘Beyond Reasonable Doubt’), it is conclusive evidence that SRA exists in the UK. But it is not the only evidence. There is lots of other evidence including numerous testimonies by SRA victimsfrom across the UKand many of them continue to come forward with their testimonies.

This list is a combination of 2 lists of successfully prosecuted SRA cases in Britain, one compiled by Tim Tate and the other by Andrew Boyd, both of whom are British journalists. They compiled their lists in the early 1990s and so some more recent successfully prosecuted SRA cases have been added to this list. Unfortunately for every one SRA case that is successfully investigated in the UK there are so many more that are not because the police refuse to fully investigate the allegations or the Prosecuting authorities refuse to prosecute the alleged perpetrators. Below is a sample of 2 cases from the list:

1. On 23rd July 1987 Brian Williams was convicted at London’s Central Criminal Court for the sexual abuse of 15 girls and boys. He assaulted his victims on an altar dedicated to Satan and forced them to abuse each other. The rituals were performed with a Satanist pentagram drawn on the floor in blood.

2. On March 11, 2011, Colin Batley,the leader of a Satanist coven, was convicted at Swansea Crown Court of more than 20 sexual offences against children including 11 rapes. He and other satanists had ritually abused children in Kidwelly, Wales, where their coven was based. The children, some as young as 11, were subjected to “organised and systematic” abuse by Batley, his wife and two women coven members.Jacqueline Marling, 42, was jailed for 12 years for aiding and abetting rape, causing prostitution, indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. Batley’s wife Elaine, 47, was jailed for eight years on three charges of indecency with a child and sexual activity with a child. Shelly Millar, 35, was jailed for five years for indecency with a child and inciting a child to engage in sex. A fifth defendant, Vincent Barden, 70, admitted assaulting an under-age girl.



England’s Metropolitan Police Service Website clearly mentions the existence of Satanic Abuse. Here’s the Link to it:

Links to a documentary on Australia’s 60 Minutes programme, regarding the SRA against a girl in England. It is in 3 parts:

News that Britain’s Royal Navy has approved having Satanist rituals on their ships.

Articles regarding Jimmy Savile, his Satanism and SRA

Article regarding some Scottish children’s charities stating that SRA is rife in Scotland.

Article regarding the growth of Witchcraft and Satanism in Wales.

Article about the former child molesting MP Cyril Smith‘s friendship with a Satanist Ritual Abuser, and a description of the abuser’s SRA.

An article and film clip regarding the opening of a tunnel in Europe and a Satanist ceremony used at its opening in the presence of 3 Top European political leaders. 21S