the war against children

Childhood is meant to be the best time of our lives. To an increasing number it can be the very worst 

When I see a new case I always think of the two verses from the Book of Job. “Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. And the Lord said unto Satan ‘From whence cometh thou?’ And Satan answered the Lord, and said, ‘From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it’” (Job 2:1-2). And I say to myself that nowadays the devil seems to do most of his walking among the kids of the world. That’s the really scary part of life today. 1

(Editor’s note: to pre-warn you that some descriptions later in this article are graphical in content)

Decades later, the onslaught against children is even worse.

God regarded Job as the most righteous person of his generation (Job 1:8). Job describes the righteous things he did, in Job 29:11 to 17. He not only helped the poor but in verse 17 he said: “I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth.” Verse 17 would certainly cover protecting children from child sex abusers, including Satanist ritual abusers, and defending children from harm. These actions also align with the Second Greatest Commandment: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)

Visit the Coalition Against Satanist Ritual Abuse website, where conclusive evidence is provided regarding the reality of SRA (Satanist Ritual Abuse) in Britain and also extensive information on SRA. The evidence includes several successfully prosecuted British SRA cases.

The liberalisation of access to abortion with the 1967 Abortion Act has resulted in nearly nine million pre-born babies killed by abortion so far. Now Pro-Abortionists are campaigning for all legal restrictions on abortion in Britain to be removed.

The sad case of Alfie Evans

On 28 April the sick toddler died, four days after doctors at the Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool ignored his parents’ wishes and removed him from life support. The UK courts and European Court of Human Rights supported the Alder Hey Hospital’s decision. For more information go to the Life site news link3. The link to another similar case is also at the end of this article4. There will be many more tragedies like these unless new legislation is enacted protecting the rights of parents to have the final decision on all their children’s medical treatment.

“Children ‘abused every eight minutes’ in England and Wales as recorded sex offences hit record high,” The Independent Newspaper reported on Tuesday, 20 February 2018. See below for the link to this article.5

Britain is experiencing an Epidemic of Child Sex Abuse. This includes SRA, which is also escalating.

The Hampstead Case

The largest known, recent British SRA case, the Hampstead case has, like numerous other SRA cases, suffered an official cover up. In 2014 a film was placed on the Internet of a boy and a girl claiming that they had been sexually abused by their father and that he was the head of a Satanist coven based in Hampstead, North London. In the film, the children are questioned by their mother, Ella Draper, and her then partner, Abraham Christie. The brother and sister insist that they have been passed around a Satanist coven that consists of teachers, classmates, parents, and many more. Their father, Ricky Dearman, is alleged by the children to be the leader of the Satanist group, and he allegedly submitted the children to horrific ordeals, including rape, forcing the children to ritually sacrifice babies and selling to others for sex. They provide many details of all the people who have been allegedly involved in the abuse and murders. The main locations for these activities are alleged to be at secret rooms in an Anglican Church and at a Church of England Primary School next to it. Both locations are in Hampstead.

The claims are so detailed and free flowing in description that at least two retired British police detectives have declared that they believe the children’s testimonies to be true. At least one of those former detectives had interviewed many child sex abuse victims when he was with the Metropolitan Police. He stressed that the free-flowing narrative of the children’s testimonies was a major factor indicating that they were telling the truth. Because in his experience, children who lie are normally much more halting and hesitant in their narrative. The Hampstead children’s answers are also very detailed and consistent. The film of the children’s testimonies went viral and about 4 million people worldwide watched it.

A third retired police detective, Ray Savage, indicated that he had spoken to the children’s mother, Ella Draper, at length and said he believed that she was telling the truth about her children’s abuse. Savage also said that there was an epidemic of child abuse in Britain and that a former Home Office Minister had informed him that about 1 in 10 children are abused.Watch his talk on YouTube6.

Despite the naming by the children of numerous alleged abusers, only one of them – the children’s father – has been interviewed by the police. The police failed to seize and examine his computer  for possible evidence of child pornography and of his possible links to other alleged abusers.

Throwing up a smokescreen …

Attempts were also made to shift the blame away from the accused to the whistleblowers. Ella Draper, and her partner, Abraham Christie, were accused of coercing and coaching the children to make their accusations. This was used as the excuse for custody of the children to be removed from their mother, and they were placed into so-called “care”. While in “care” the children “retracted” their allegations – they had probably been strongly pressured to do this – and claimed that they had made it up. The question of how the children could possibly have made up such an extensive and detailed narrative has never been answered.

Their “retractions” were filmed and placed on the Internet. In stark contrast to the film of their abuse allegations, the filmed retractions show the children as being anxious, uneasy, and fumbling their words. This strongly suggests that they are lying and have been coerced into making their “retractions”.

Kylie Wilson, a former Detective with the Metropolitan Police, made a statement on behalf of Ella Draper, critiquing the report of the Investigation into the children’s allegations. As a police detective, Wilson had specialised in investigating sexual offences.

The plot thickens …

Her Final Conclusions regarding the Police report of their investigation into the Hampstead case are very critical and are reproduced below:

1. Planning and preparation and the consideration of investigative strategies appear to be lacking in the initial stages of the report.

2. Evidence pointing to and away from an offence must be considered. Investigators should not make assumptions that due to the unlikely or seemingly ridiculous nature of the allegation that it is untrue. If an account appears to be untrue corroboration should be sought for this also.

3. Some investigation has been conducted into proving or disproving, however most appear to be slanted towards merely disproving the offences occurred from the physically impossible such as secret rooms where there is no possible space for rooms.

4. This investigation does not look at the fact that the children are giving accounts of abuse and how they came to use such language other than to suggest Mr. Christie coached the children.

5. Policy was not adhered to correctly in regard to Achieving Best Evidence in the Police Interviews regarding the building of rapport.

6. The Crime Report does not appear to have an appropriate set of considerations, actions or reviews. It is possible that such notes are held elsewhere in the restricted parts of the report but those considerations do not appear in the Details of Investigation section and therefore cannot be commented upon.

7. Certain conclusions appear to have been drawn as to the mental health of Ms. Draper and how she should conduct herself without a mental health assessment. However, even if Ms. Draper and/or the children did have mental health issues that should not influence the investigation of offences.

8. Social Services input may have had an influence on investigators.

There has also been a dishonest so-called “Hoax” campaign against all attempts to secure justice in the Hampstead case.

The war against innocence …

Children are also being systematically corrupted and groomed in schools by graphic Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) that avoids encouraging abstinence outside marriage and imposes LGBT indoctrination on young minds. Attacked from every side, children in Britain today may be killed in the womb, forcibly euthanised, sexually abused, subjected to the horrors of SRA – including possibly being ritually sacrificed, groomed for sex, indoctrinated with LGBT values, be used to produce child pornography, and any number of other destructive things.

If you wish to help protect UK children, Email me at:

Fresh Start Foundation (FSF) is a broadly-based grassroots movement with several Christians in leading roles. FSF speaks out boldly against child sex abuse and SRA in Scotland. They have organised numerous public meetings across Scotland on these issues. Please seriously consider attending some of these meetings and urging your contacts to do likewise. The schedule of meetings can be found on the FSF website:

If you have questions for FSF, Email: FSF depends on donations to continue its work. Please help if you can. To give online, use this link: http://www.

Make Cheques out to: The Fresh Start Foundation and send to: David Scott, Halton House, 11 Tullylumb Terrace, Perth PH1 1BA, Scotland.

Charles Pickett, National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, Washington DC, 14 June 1988. As quoted in “Enslaved”, by Gordon Thomas, published by Bantam Press in 1990.