presidents and precedents

This is the tale of two presidents, both eager to set a precedent for the future status of Jerusalem

Winds of war swirl around Israel, yet the spirit of liberalism and humanism that dominates the modern church blinds many to the truth that God’s prophetic word often comes to pass through bloodshed and death – the most obvious example being Messiah’s bloody death which fulfilled many prophecies. His resurrection affirms our salvation only because His real death redeemed us.

Ezekiel 37 says Israel will be restored from hopeless graves, a perfect picture of the Holocaust: real death leading to a real restoration, including becoming “an exceedingly great army.” Each time Israel is attacked, it repossesses more of its God-given lands (Oba. 1:15-17). With much of the Promised Land not yet under Israeli rule, how else will it secure these areas? When Messiah returns, there will be war, blood and death. If we do not recognize this truth, we can misjudge much of what God is doing. Without this, we cannot watch and pray effectively. At IFI, while we never pray for war, we are often restrained by His Spirit from praying against it. How could we even hear that if we thought that God is only ‘love’? He is love, but He is much more – including a “Man of War” (Ex. 15:3).

Jerusalem – God’s city

(Psa. 48:1-2, 8; Matt. 5:35)

The US Embassy moved to Jerusalem on May 14th, Israel’s 70th birthday. In Zechariah 12:2-3, God states, “Behold, I,” not US President Trump or Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, “I will make Jerusalem a cup of intoxication to all people around it, when they shall besiege Judah and Jerusalem. And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the people: all that burden themselves with it shall be utterly cut in pieces, even if all nations of the earth gather together against it.” So it is our God who is making Jerusalem the center of world controversy today!

Yet Palestinian Authority [PA] President Abbas, who serves another god, rejects the fact that Jerusalem is God’s chosen city. Reacting to Trump’s recognition of the city as Israel’s capital, he said, “Jerusalem is the key to peace if it is our capital, and if it is not – it is the key to war.”Much of the Arab world is not enraged over Trump’s move, showing us that “the Arab world is actually distancing itself from hardline Palestinian positions vis-a-vis Jerusalem.” (“Abbas Threatens War if Trump Doesn’t Rescind Jerusalem Declaration,” Israel Today, 17 Jan. 2017)

British columnist Melanie Phillips sees the UK government’s vote at the UN against Trump’s Jerusalem decision as a rejection of “America’s right to decide its own foreign policy…” Also, once again the UK “failed to stand up for Zionism and Judaism against the lie which underpins the century-old attempt to exterminate the national home of the Jewish people – that the Jews have no rights in Jerusalem at all…” (“Palestinianism is over – someone please tell the British,” M. Phillips, JP Op-ed, 18 Jan. 2018). Dedicating an exhibit on Jerusalem at the UN in March, Bibi Netanyahu rebuked the 125+ nations “that support Palestinian claims to East Jerusalem” as its future capital. He was referring to the UN General Assembly resolution against Trump’s Jerusalem decision, declaring it “null and void.” The Israeli-sponsored exhibit traced Jewish life in Jerusalem centuries before Yeshua, showing the long history between the city and the Jews. Noting a disclaimer at the entrance saying, “Holding of the exhibit on UN premises does not imply endorsement by the UN,” Netanyahu said, “Of course it doesn’t represent the UN. It represents the truth…” (“PM rebukes nations that dispute Jewish link to Jerusalem,” Israel Hayom 9 Mar. 2018)

Zionist Organization of America President M. Klein spoke out against the lie that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims. “Jerusalem was …never, ever, the capital of any other nation except Israel.”When Muslims conquered Palestine in 716, Ramla was their capital, and historically, Arabs never built in it. When Jordan controlled the city from 1948-67, they built in Amman, while in Jerusalem they destroyed 58 synagogues. This history should not shock anyone, as the city “is never mentioned in the Quran…” (“Jerusalem is not holy to Muslims, enough with this lie!” Arutz 7, 16 Mar. 2018)

Trump, the businessman-president

At the January Davos World Economic Forum, Trump said unless the PA is willing to negotiate with Israel, the US would cut off all financial aid. Then turning to Netanyahu who was sitting with him, he said, “You won one point,” i.e., Jerusalem, “and you’ll give up some points later in the negotiations…” (“…If Palestinians don’t want peace, US has nothing to do with them,” JP, 25 Jan. 2018) Dealing with Jerusalem as a business deal – is just bad business! Raphael Ahren says the impression one gets of Trump’s view of the “peace” process has little to do with “diametrically opposed historical narratives.” He seems to see the Middle East “conflict more as a real estate dispute that a savvy mediator can solve…” Trump and Netanyahu see the conflict’s “root causes” very differently. Bibi focuses on the lack of Arab “recognition of Israel as a Jewish state,” since if they reject “Jewish sovereignty anywhere” in this land, “genuine peace is impossible.”  

At Davos, Trump’s remarks “were bereft of historical, legal or religious themes. It was not about ideology; it’s about reciprocity”; he sees the solution “via financial and diplomatic transactions,” which is a new way of seeing the conflict. He said that in endless “peace proposals,” no one he asked ever talked about the huge amounts of money that America has given the PA. Trump did talk about it, saying “That money is on the table. Because why should we do that as a country if they’re doing nothing for us?” The PA attacked Trump’s idea that he has solved the Jerusalem issue. Senior negotiator Erekat said, “Those who say Jerusalem is off the table are saying peace is off the table,” adding, “Trump could buy many things with his money, but he won’t be able to buy the dignity of our nation.”

While this is a “net gain for Israel” today, Bibi must remember “that the businessman-president doesn’t like it when a deal” he wants to close fails. As Trump said, “if negotiations are restarted, he expects Israeli payback”. (For Trump, ME peacemaking is all about give and take,” R. Ahren, TOI Analysis, 25 Jan. 2018). Analyst Daniel Pipes said, “Trump has taken two unprecedented steps highly favorable to Israel: recognizing Jerusalem as its capital and cutting funds to the UN Relief & Works Agency,” an organization whose aim is Israel’s demise through Palestinian immigration. These moves break historic logjams, “and offer fresh opportunities to resolve” this conflict, but both “were undertaken for what appear to be the wrong reasons…” Trump said affirming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital settles that issue, and for this he “intends to exact an unspecified price from Israel.” Yet his action “made Jerusalem an unprecedented center of attention and contention.” Still, God is orchestrating all of this – just as He said He would (Zech. 12:2-3). Finally, Trump withheld $65 million from UNRWA, not to punish it for “inciting Palestinians against Israel, encouraging violence against Jews,” and increasing the number of refugees, but to pressure “the PA to restart negotiations…” (“US-Israel honey-moon may not last,” D. Pipes, Israel Hayom Op-ed, 9 Feb. 2018)

Unmasked: PA President Abbas and the EU

In his speech to the PLO’s Central Council meeting in January, Abbas “did what he is so good at doing,” blaming everyone else for the Palestinians’ situation, “from the US, to Israel, Hamas, and even the Europeans, for their role in sending the Jews to Israel,” saying, “Israel is a colonialist project…” (“Did Abbas just give his valedictory speech, blaming everyone for his failures?” TOI, 14 Jan. 2017). Abbas said Trump’s “peace plan,” which is not yet revealed, has “insulted the Palestinians.” They reject it and the US as the “sole mediator between us and Israel,” and demand “international sponsorship” for further negotiations. He cursed Trump, saying, “May [Allah] demolish your house”; blasted US Ambassador to Israel Friedman for saying “there is no such thing as the ‘occupation’ of Palestine”; and laughed at the US’ UN Ambassador Haley for “protecting Israel in high heels…” Abbas said the Oslo agreement is dead, for which we thank God! Now may Israelis also see this truth. (“Bitter Abbas to Trump: We reject your peace ‘deal of the century’,” TOI, 15 Jan. 2017)

Nothing the EU does with Israel surprises us anymore. It’s under God’s judgment in many ways – the most obvious being jihad via immigration. Wherever there is a mosque becomes wakf territory – Allah’s land – which must be defended to the death. And most EU leaders are so humanistic that they freely open their nations’ borders and, by default, welcome in the sovereignty of Islam. An enfeebled EU refused to respond as Abbas accused it of exploiting “its Jews for a ‘colonial project’.” An EU spokesman said, “Our policy is not to comment on comments,” however he affirmed their commitment to a negotiated two-state solution. Yet the EU responds negatively to “Israeli plans to build… beyond the 1967 lines,” and has been “very vocal in condemning the US … recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.” (“EU mum on Abbas speech because ‘we don’t comment on comments’,” TOI, 18 Jan. 2017). In February, after a meeting “between 28 EU foreign ministers and a delegation of Arab foreign ministers,” EU foreign policy chief Mogherini told a press conference that both groups were in complete agreement on preserving the two-state solution as the only solution and on seeing “Jerusalem as both the capital of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine…” “EU foreign policy chief warns US on ‘false steps’ to Israeli-Palestinian peace,” JP, 27 Feb. 2018) So now a post-Christian continent has, as Mogherini said, “full convergence of purpose” with Muslim nations!

With whom can Israel negotiate peace?

The PA sees their refugees’ “right of return” as “sacred and not open to bargaining,” yet Israel refuses to allow these so-called “refugees” to enter and become “an existential demographic threat.” Of the approximately 600,000 “refugees who left or were forced out of Israel” during its 1948 War of Independence, less than 30,000 “are still believed to be alive.” But their descendants, counted as refugees under a “unique designation afforded by the UN to Palestinians, number in the millions.” For decades, Israel has demanded the UN to use “the same criteria it applies for other refugee populations,” but to no effect. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees oversees assistance “to other refugee groups,” that is, to original refugees only – not their descendants – yet Palestinians receive help from their own UN group – the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The US is  cutting UNRWA funds, and the PA is accusing it of blackmail. “This will not dissuade our people from holding on to the sacred right of return and it will not exonerate Israel from the crime of ethnic cleansing it committed in 1948,” a PA statement said. “Netanyahu’s illusions of foiling the right of return won’t materialize because international resolutions that created Israel” also “accepted the right of return…”

Israel did not commit ethnic cleansing – or if it did, it was the worst job of ethnic cleansing in history! Also, the Arabs rejected the 1948 UN Partition Plan, so that second excuse carries no weight. (“Amid UNRWA cuts, PA says refugees’ status, right of return are ‘sacred’,” K. Abu Toameh, TOI, 1 Feb. 2018)

Former Israeli PM Golda Meir said that when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews there will be peace. That day has not come for the Palestinians, and by passing their hatred for the Jewish State on to their offspring, their next generation is being placed under God’s curse (Num. 24:9). Former Voice of Israel Radio Arabic language broadcaster, Dr. A. Gross, read over 200 Arabic textbooks, past and present, to see what Palestinian students are learning. His research showed that the PA school system brainwashes its pupils: there is no “Israel,” or if there is, this “Zionist entity”must be destroyed. He concluded, “There is no chance for peace and reconciliation between, Israel and the Palestinians at this time”, as the textbooks “demonize the Jews and Israel, and encourage the violent struggle to liberate Palestine from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea.” He also stressed that the texts become more extreme with each passing year. (“Palestinian textbook problem,” Yaakov Ahimeir, Israel Hayom Op-ed, 11 Feb. 2018) Where are the human rights groups to protest against this blatant Palestinian child abuse?

Bassam Tawil, a ME Muslim, said the Hamas terrorists who rule Gaza perceive all Israel as one big settlement, and all Jews living in it as “occupiers” who must be expelled. To most Palestinians the “occupation” started with Israel’s birth in 1948, so when they “say they want an end to the ‘occupation,’ they really mean an end to Israel’s existence;” as it is all wakf land and is forbidden to be given to a non-Muslim. Thus no Palestinian leader “can accept anything less than 100%,” that is all of Israel, in a peace deal. At a Gaza rally a Hamas official told a throng of supporters that all Jerusalem “is and will remain the capital of Palestine.” This shows the core of the Israeli-Arab conflict, “that many Arabs and Muslims have still not accepted Israel’s right to exist inside any borders.”Most Palestinians still see Israel “as a foreign entity… imposed on Arabs and Muslims by Western superpowers,” despite Jews having lived here for 4,000 years, as shown by archeological findings proving the accuracy of the Bible. (“Palestinians: Israel is One Big Settlement,” B. Tawil, Gatestone Institute, 26 Feb. 2018)

International law expert Alan Baker said the term ‘Palestinian territories’ has no legal or political basis. There has never been a Palestinian state, and no international agreement defines the territories as Palestinian; therefore, they never belonged to ‘the Palestinians’. No foreign sovereign power possesses the West Bank, which legally means it can’t be ‘occupied’.” (“Respect Israel’s Sovereignty,” Earl Cox, Christian Coalition, 5 Mar. 2018). In March, after meeting Trump in Washington, Netanyahu was asked by reporters if he supported the creation of a Palestine as part of the still undisclosed US peace plan. He said, “Palestinians should have the power of government, except power to threaten us.” He told Trump Israel has “no desire to govern the Palestinians, but we have every desire to protect ourselves…” The issue is what kind of state will a Palestine be? “Is it Costa Rica or Hamastan? Is it Switzerland or Iran? Is it demilitarized?”Who guarantees it remains demilitarized? Only Israel can. “Does that comport with what the world calls a state? I don’t know. But it comports with the solution that I need.” (“Netanyahu says he told Trump Israel doesn’t want to rule over the Palestinians,” TOI, 6 Mar. 2018)

Watch & pray

“But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be sober-minded – and watch unto prayer.” (1 Pet. 4:7). The last days began on Pentecost/Shavuot, when Peter said, “This is that which was spoken by the prophet,” and then quoted from Joel 2:28-32 (Acts 2:16-21). With the Jews back in their land after almost two millennia in exile, and with many other prophecies fulfilled, we must be near the end of those last days and the return of Messiah Yeshua. So how should we “watch unto prayer”? And what are we supposed to watch?

A watchman guards and warns a city of approaching dangers. To know today’s dangers, we must know all of God’s Word, and the New Testament is not enough.We need all of His Word in our spirits by reading and studying it. Understanding it totally is not to be expected this side of glory, yet that is no excuse to not store every “jot and tittle” in our inner man. With His Word in our hearts, renewed by daily reading, the Spirit can anoint our understanding – when we need to have it (2 Sam. 23:2). Try praying this verse before you read:

“[Lord], open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law [teachings].” (Psa. 119:18)