faith family freedom

Foundations – A community of like-minded bible believers with a strong emphasis on sound Bible teaching

“Sword and ‘Foundations’ have become so integrated in recent years that it’s clearly time we explained the connection. It’s difficult to avoid using the word ‘conference’ to explain what we mean by our annual gathering (actually it’s now twice yearly (See page 7) – but it’s quite inadequate. There are recognisable conference elements. A strong emphasis on sound Bible teaching underpins each event – because right living requires right thinking and the ‘rightest’ thinking of all is God’s. But it’s about learning to model Jesus. It’s theology moving hearts and fingertips… Society needs to see Jesus – in us! Paul’s counsel to Timothy in 1 Tim 4:16 explains the principle. I’m delighted to introduce this community page which will showcase the variety of ministers and ministries which comprise our Foundations Family.” David Andrew – Editor, Sword

Sword magazine is closely allied to the Foundations family, run by the Saltshakers web ministry ( This is a growing national community of like-minded Bible believers, drawn together through the Foundations conferences that have been held all over the country since 2012.

This is a community page not only to highlight ministries that have become a part of Foundations, but also to encourage you to interact with us through our conferences and web pages.

FOUNDATIONS 9 – A brief report

I had stopped writing reports of our Foundations (we don’t call them ‘conferences’ any more), as I am prone to lapsing into hype, especially when the paint has barely dried since returning home. Yet I am compelled to write a short piece about Foundations 9 … because it was such a wonderful occasion. In the words of our beloved “pastor” David Andrew, it was one of the only times in his ministry when ‘all the things that Christians are meant to do when meeting up, were all done, in that one place, at that one time’.

It wasn’t just the teaching, or the worship, or the fellowship, or the freedom, or the workshops, or the hotel hospitality, or the lives changed and challenged, even healed … it was all of these. Bearing in mind the unprecedented spiritual warfare leading up to the Foundations, it now becomes clear that God had the victory in every way and blessings flowed abundantly. Only time will tell what effect this has had in the lives of all the attendees, including the team.

As I described in my summing up on the final day, the three general things that impacted me most were the consistency and excellence of the teaching, with a single theme threading its way through the week; the variety and depth of the worship, featuring a variety of styles and formats; the selflessness of our prayer and counselling team, kept quite busy throughout. This was all a massive jump from earlier Foundations (when they were just ‘conferences’)!

The foregoing comments were taken from a report intended for those who attended Foundations 9. The difficult task is in providing an account of the week for those who weren’t there. The overall aim of Foundations is twofold; to provide an environment where each can uniquely hear from God and to provide activities where each can learn more of their current and future function within the Body of Christ.We aim to be sensitive to the flow of the Spirit and many testimonies have arisen from the interactions and personal journeys, one example being the production of a greeting card during a Prophetic Art workshop, which was given to its ordained recipient during the Thursday outreach in the local town. There were prophetic prayers, public dancing, healings, transforming workshops – from storytelling to singing – and a timeline on a roll of wallpaper that stretched the full length of the conference room!

But … to be honest … you really had to be there! Can’t wait for Foundations 10 later this year!

Before I sign off, here are a few testimonies from delegates: n What joy! What blessing! What challenge! It’s a shame that there wasn’t a delegate from every church in this nation at Foundations 9 to see what God might intend His church to be! We had challenging teaching straight from the heart of God, healings, lives changed, fears conquered, sins confessed, wonderful fellowship, spirit filled worship and a great deal of fun! Praise the LORD for His goodness and mercy. Foundations is a gathering where we are challenged and encouraged to get out of our comfort zone in a variety of ways. It’s in this place of “discomfort” where we learn to let go and place our trust in the living LORD Jesus and the blessing flows. It was a joy to once again take part in the dance / drama – this time being thrown into the fiery furnace. Every time I take part in the dancing, fears are stripped away! Praise the LORD! This was a conference for such a time as this. Who will forget that dangerous prayer, that we were all challenged to pray – LORD, whatever it takes, make me like Jesus. A simple prayer, but profound in its consequences should we be able to pray it without reservation. May the LORD Jesus Christ get all the glory, honour and praise due His holy Name! (Barry)

In truth I praise God and thank him for ALL the wonderful new friends, conversations, ideas, challenges and resources I have encountered this week. It has been a wonderful gift from The Lord to me at a time when I have really appreciated each one. (Nigel)

Our feet have not touched the ground since returning home (Muriel and Eric)

My overall ‘blessingometer’ was a highpoint at Friday morning’s testimonies and the sharing of deeply personal experiences. However I was very blessed too by the ease of communication and the teaching. Excellent (Anita)

Steve Maltz 


Foundations Day conference in Bangor N.I. Saturday July 21st 10am – 5pm

Foundations Day conference in London. Saturday September 15th 10am – 5pm

Foundations Day conference in Stirling. Saturday November 10th 10am – 5pm

Foundations 10 National conference in Devon. From October 29th – November 2nd 2018

Moedim monthly ‘Hebraic discovery evenings’ in London (first Friday of every Biblical month)

For more details of these and other events, go to: /events/map


All teaching is relevant to the needs of the delegates

Everything isn’t just about teaching

Giving glory to God is the highest calling

Space is given to digest and act on the Word

Different styles of worship are offered

Worship isn’t just about singing songs

Dance as worship is taught

Everyone is encouraged, but not compelled, to share

Space is given for personal confession and reflection

Workshops are provided to stretch you in interesting ways

Freedom is given to plot your own path

The Bible is held to the highest esteem

Word and Spirit are given equal license

Networks are forged and encouraged

The roots of Christianity are explored

Everyone is free to be themselves

You are free to do everything, or nothing

No egos, big names or circuit speakers

The programme is flexible enough for changes

Skills and talents are encouraged

Loads of testimonies are available of changed lives

Sword on the web

Subscribers are able to freely access the current issue of Sword as well as a growing archive. If you subscribed online then you will have a log-in provided, but if you are an existing subscriber to the print magazine please email for a log-in. Not only will you have access to articles but you will also be able to post comments and also access premium content on the Saltshakers website, including audios from all Foundations conferences.