Ireland’s tragedy

“We now have the right to control our own bodies” Who then speaks on behalf of the unborn child?

At the recent Referendum held on 25th May 2018 regarding whether to repeal the 8th Amendment to Ireland’s Constitution, 66.4% voted in favour of repeal and 33.6% voted against; a figure of about two-to one, in favour of repealing the 8th Amendment. The ‘right to life of the unborn child’ is protected by Article 40.3.3 of Ireland’s Constitution (known as the 8th Amendment). The 8th Amendment recognises the equal right to life of the mother and the unborn child. Now the way has been opened for legalised child murder to occur in Ireland. But this Life and Death struggle is very far from over. Soon the wholesale killing of children in the womb will be legalised in the Republic of Ireland.

How widely the new Irish laws on abortion will be drafted and how much killing they permit will depend on the campaigning and prayer efforts of Ireland’s Pro-Life Movement. Let us support them in their battle to save lives.

‘Pro-Lifers’ in the Republic of Ireland do not even have time to ‘lick their wounds’ after their loss of the Referendum battle. They are acutely aware of the fact that although they have lost one major battle the war to protect children from abortion continues, and time is of the essence.

Ireland’s Pro-Lifers have to fight on, to try and save as many children as possible from the legalised child murder that is commonly referred to as Abortion. And they also have to fight on, to try to restore full legal protection to all preborn babies in the Republic of Ireland.    Even if the life of just one baby is saved, all of the effort they put in will have been worth it, for in God’s eyes, a baby’s life is absolutely priceless. In reality however, their efforts are likely to save a great many babies, but they will need substantial funding to achieve this. 

US Pro-Abortion billions

The tragic result in the recent Irish Referendum was secured with the assistance of extensive funding from rich US pro-abortion organisations and also from the US Billionaire, George Soros. The Irish Pro-Life Movement by contrast, is wholly dependent on the donations of the public to fund their lifesaving work.

In March 2018, I did a 150-mile walk to raise funds for a leading Pro-Life organisation in the Republic of Ireland, the Pro-Life Campaign (PLC).  I am determined to continue to raise funds for their crucial lifesaving work, as PLC will need every penny possible, to try to save the lives of unborn babies from abortion. So please let us rise to the challenge, and give generously to help defend life in the Republic of Ireland, to help save precious babies in that country from being slaughtered by abortion. Let us also encourage as many of our contacts as possible, to do likewise.

In the difficult battle ahead, let us focus on these words from the book of Proverbs: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering towards slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?”  Proverbs 24:11–12

Our duty as Believers

A tragic irony of the UK ‘Bible Believing’ Church today, is that so many of us think that God is OK with us doing nothing about the industrial scale killing of unborn children all across our own nation. It is a sad reflection upon the ‘Bible Believing’ Church, when one has to work so hard to show what should be blatantly obvious, that killing unborn children is a sin against God, that God wants this stopped and that as His followers, we have a duty to actively and peacefully oppose abortion. We cannot credibly claim to love our neighbours as ourselves, while at the same time ignoring the plight of millions of our unborn ‘neighbours’ who have already been slaughtered by abortion or who will be killed, if the current situation does not change. (Matthew 22:34-40)

1 See the link at the end of the page for the reality of what abortion does to unborn children. [note: please be aware, this link shows graphic detail of what really happens].

I would like to say ‘Thank you very much’ to all those who have already given to my 150 Mile Walk for PLC.Your generosity has been so encouraging. For those who wish to give again, or for the first time, there is information at the end of the page, how you can do this. Your giving will save babies’ lives. 

The shocking statistics

In the UK, where 50 years of legalised abortion has resulted in nearly 9 million babies being slaughtered to date, on average over 500 unborn babies are killed each day. The pro-abortionists have been spurred on even further by the result of the Irish Referendum. Pro-Abortion campaigners have been calling for the complete Decriminalisation of abortion in the UK. 

Pro-Life MP, Fiona Bruce, has written an article on this for the Conservative Home Website. Here are some extracts from her article:  “Hanging on the coat-tails of the momentum created by the Irish referendum, a group of MPs are campaigning to remove abortion from the criminal law. “‘Decriminalisation’, they call it – because we apparently need a ‘modern’ abortion law.… “…This campaign is not just about Northern Ireland (where the 1967 Abortion Act still does not apply). It is about liberalising abortion law in the whole of the UK. As Stella Creasy tweeted yesterday: “Please ask your MP to stand with us repealing OAPA(Offences Against the Person Act 1861) so that the whole of the U.K. can have modern abortion laws including Northern Ireland.”

OAPA is the core statute governing abortion in England and Wales. It provides that abortion (procuring miscarriage) is a grave offence. The Abortion Act, 1967, sets out exceptions to these offences, which are interpreted very broadly…we have one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world.

“Our 24-week abortion limit is twice the EU average. Most other countries impose a 12-week limit. This isn’t entirely arbitrary – 12 weeks is the time of the first ultrasound scan, where, for anyone who has been through it – as I have – it is impossible to see the child in utero as anything other than a baby (which, by the way, is universally the term that midwives will use at this point). …. Our [UK] 24-week limit is already much, much too long, extending beyond the point at which premature babies have been known to survive outside the womb. And we don’t even have a limit for abortion for ‘serious handicap’ (also the legal term), in which case abortion is permissible to birth. Yes, we have up-to-birth abortion for disability in this country.

“So if these campaigners really wanted a ‘modern law’ they would back a reduction in the uppertime limit.

But that is not what they want. They want to repeal sections 58 and possibly 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act (OAPA)… “Without the OAPA, the exceptions outlined in the Abortion Act, 1967 become redundant. There is no longer any offence to need a defence…

“Time-limits are only half of the story. According to our current law, those seeking abortion have to persuade a doctor that continuing the pregnancy would be bad for their mental health. Pro-choicecampaigners don’t like this. They often argue that those seeking abortion should not have to offer any reason. This is what is called abortionon-demand, and it is what Stella Creasy’s team would like to see in the U.K. But, this, too, is obfuscation. As every GP knows, the law has been interpreted so liberally, that the effect has been to provide for abortion on demand up to 24 weeks…”

To help campaign against abortion in the UK and on other Pro-Life issues, phone the Pro-Life organisation, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)on 020 7091 7091.

How You Can Give

The Republic of Ireland branch of the Christian women’s prayer network known asLydia Fellowship, has supported my walk and fundraising efforts for PLC. They will pass on all donations to my walk to the Pro-Life Campaign.    

By Credit or Debit Card Please click on this link. 

By Bank Transfer to the Lydia Fellowship in the Republic of Ireland. Their bank details are: Name of Account Holder: LydiaFellowship International (Ireland)

Address of Account Holder: ‘Bethel’, Ballynagran, Dunganstown A67 XD35, County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland Account Number: 59879275 Sort Code: 90-11-16 Bank Address: Bank of Ireland, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin, Republic of Ireland IBAN Number: IE98BOFI90111659879275 BIC Code: BOFIIE2D

If you do a Bank Transfer please be sure to include a message with it stating that it is For The Walk for PLC. 

Or you can make a Cheque out to: Lydia Fellowship International (Ireland) and post it to: Mary Kelly, ‘Bethel’, Ballynagran, Dunganstown A67 XD35, County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland,with a note stating that it is for Wilfred’s 150 Mile walk for PLC.

All cheques, whether Pounds Sterling, Euros etc. can be sent. If you have any questions you can Email Mary Kelly at: