RSE the new deceit

5 year olds in Wales are to be taught about LGBTQ ‘rights’ under the deceivingly benign title of ‘Relationships and Sexuality Education’

“As the tsunami of liberalism sweeps through our society, sex has become a catalyst for the destruction of all that is seen as irrelevant in modern Britain – faith, morality, family and the exclusivity of a sexual relationship for which marriage is designed.” Gill Robins,Christians in Education  

Regrettably, in yet another State-Sponsored attack on the minds of young children in their formative years, 5 year olds are to be taught about LGBTQ ‘rights’, as part of their sex education in Wales.

Sex education which is “fully inclusive of all genders and sexualities”, and covers schoolchildren from the age of five, has been announced by the Welsh Government, the Christian Institute reported on 24 May 2018.

Benignly re-branded as “Relationships and Sexuality Education”(RSE), the subject will be embedded within the curriculum – although the parental right of withdrawal is set to remain.

John Denning, The Christian Institute’s Education Officer, warned of an inappropriate focus on labels as he urged parents to talk to teachers about their children’s education.

As Wales’ Education Secretary Kirsty Williams announced the change, she said “relationships, rights and respect”will be a key feature of the subject.

Williams added, “we will also ensure that RSE is fully inclusive of all genders and sexualities” and that it caters for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) students.

“I want all our learners to know that they have an inalienable right to be happy – this is the driving force behind the changes we’re proposing”, she concluded.

In explanatory notes, the Welsh Government stated there are “no plans”to stop parents withdrawing their children from the lessons. It also said that schools with a religious character will continue to be allowed to teach the subject in a way“that is consistent with their ethos”.

RSE, which will be introduced in 2022 as part of a new curriculum, “must be appropriate”for children’s “age and developmental stage”, the Government said. John Denning responded to the new subject by highlighting the role of parents. “Parents know best what is age-appropriate for their own children and many won’t agree with the view of the Welsh Government.

“Children need to be taught to respect each other because they share a common humanity. But this respect will be fractured by the obsessive focus on labels that underpins this LGBTQ+ education.

“I would urge parents to be alert to what their schools are teaching and make their concerns known.”

In England, the Government held a call for evidence on plans for ‘Relationships Education’, to be taught as a statutory subject in primary schools across England.  It will mean teaching young children about “different types of relationships”, which could include homosexuality, transsexualism and same-sex marriage.  Ministers plan to deny parents the right to withdraw their children from the classes.

Today, UK children are being attacked from all sides. This includes being killed in the womb by abortion, corrupted and groomed by sex education, forcibly euthanised (As happened to Alfie Evans.) and sexually abused.

There is currently a dramatic rise in child sex abuse in the UK. “Children ‘abused every eight minutes’ in England and Wales as recorded sex offences hit record high,”The Independentnewspaper reported on 20th February2018. 1

Who will step up and defend the children?

Why such an organised onslaught against children? A Sword reader “hit the nail on the head”when she wrote to me stating: “I am writing a note to encourage you in all you do for children worldwide – those who will most possibly see the coming of the Lord and thus are under most attack.” (My emphasis in Bold added.)

The Bible is full of commands and exhortations to teach and raise children well, according to Biblical principles. Unfortunately today in Britain the Government appears to be closely following “the devil’s handbook”on how to treat children and the State is trying to reduce Parents’ authority over their children.

A few examples of what the Bible has to say regarding the sheer importance of raising children according to God’s principles: Proverbs 22:6“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 29:17 “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.”

Deuteronomy 4:8 & 9 “And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

Matthew 18:1 to 6 “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked , ‘Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

‘If anyone causes one of these little ones – those who believe in me – to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung round their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea…….” 

Health risks spelled out

In May 2017 the Christian ministry, Voice for Justice UK(VfJUK), started a campaign targeted at the UK Government and calling for all Sex and Relationships Education to carry a mandatory health warning of the risks attaching to casual, non-monogamous sex, as a matter of priority. VfJUK wrote: ”

‘REAL ’ FACTS: Young people aged less than 25 experience the highest rates of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) in the UK 2

In 2015, 15 to 24-yearolds accounted for 62% of those diagnosed with chlamydia, 52% with gonorrhoea, 51% with genital warts, and 41% with genital herpes. Infection rates for men who have sex with men were, also according to FPA figures, ‘disproportionately’higher.3 ‘FAKE’ FACTS:  Provided you use a condom, whatever you do is okay. 

Children are told that to avoid unwanted pregnancy and stay safe they should always use a condom.  This is misleading and dangerous.  Condoms, even where used correctly, are only 85% successful in preventing pregnancy, and never provide complete protection against infection– on top of which, contrary to what is said, some STIs are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, in which case condoms provide absolutely no protection at all. For example, HPV(in women the precursor to cervical cancer), genital herpes, syphilis, pubic lice, and molluscum contagium.   

Children are not warned about this, nor told of the increasing difficulties in treating infections – which may on occasion make it impossible for them to wear a swimsuit and, longer term, may lead to infertility, blindness, insanity, and death.

Treating such avoidable infections not only carries no guarantee of success, but is highly costly to the NHS and an unnecessary drain on precious resources.  Yet, more to the point, the contraction of ST Is poses a major danger to children’s health and future wellbeing. This is all so unnecessary.  We warn our children of the dangers of consuming too much sugar and junk food, and of the health risks attaching to smoking and drugs – yet in this one, vital area, we stay silent. The truth is, we are failing our children, and for their protection and wellbeing, this has got to stop.”

To support VfJUK’s work phone them on: 07933 305914 or Email:

Decriminalising the 1967 Abortion Act

Following the emergency debate on the issue brought by Labour backbench MP Stella Creasy, Minister Karen Bradley sent a letter to Conservative MPs laying out the Government’s position: “…The 1967 Abortion Act provides defences against the criminal law offences contained in the 1861 Act. If these offences were removed then abortion would in effect be decriminalised and no legal framework would be in place, including no gestational time limits.”

SPUC is actively opposing attempts to completely decriminalise abortion in the UK and attempts to impose the legalisation of abortion on Northern Ireland. To help SPUC in its Campaign against Abortionand on other Pro-Life issues, phone them on 020 7091 7091. /childabuse-sexual-offences-england-walesrecord-all-time-high-eight-minutes-paedophilia -a8218576.html 3