love grown cold

Little by little the unthinkable is being taught as the ‘norm; as part of a school curriculum to which parents will not be permitted to object

Today there is a war being waged against Children on many different levels: killing them in the womb, sexually abusing them and/or subjecting them to Satanist Ritual Abuse (SRA). Corrupting them, turning them against God, or forcibly euthanasing them as, arguably, happened with Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard. 

In the UK this war against children is especially intense. I believe that we are in the last of the last days before Jesus’ return and the devil is out to recruit and harm as many children as he can. Jesus prophesied that shortly before His return because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold (Matthew 24:12).Today in many schools children are being indoctrinated with wickedness.

In April 2013 the USA National Organization for Marriage (NOM) reported: “Third grade classrooms having pretend same-sex weddings … textbooks featuring pictures of cross-dressing carpenters … children being taught that there are “six genders.” NOM warned that should same-sex marriage be legalised across the USA, these sorts of instruction (indoctrination?) would become the norm. In the public education system in Ontario, Canada, it was reported that just one year after same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005, eighteen school boards in Ontario instituted school curricula that affirmed and promoted LGBT “values,”including same-sex marriage. Canadian school educator, Phil Lees, affirms: “When people of faith stand up and fight to protect marriage, becoming more actively involved in the education of our children, we can fight back against the threats posed by those who would promote samesex marriage and other harmful “values” in our schools.

Children are being systematically corrupted and groomed in schools by lewd Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) that refuses to teach abstinence outside marriage and imposes LGBT indoctrination on young minds. Children are more or less encouraged to engage in sexual experimentation without thought to the consequences of their acts or the moral issues surrounding sex. The only thing that matters in SRE is having “safe sex”, no matter how perverse or immoral it is.

Today there is the huge additional threat to children’s minds posed by internet pornography. Children’s main source of information about sex is increasingly likely to be to watch such material online. There are certainly thousands and possibly millions of online destinations for such material. Eleven years is the average age for children’s first exposure to pornography (Dr. Mark Laaser) whilst four out of five 14 – 16 year olds admit to regularly accessing such material (Psychologies Magazine). Author Mark Kastlemann said, “Giving porn to a teenage boy is like giving crack to a baby. Addiction is almost guaranteed. No wonder boys aged 12 – 17 are the porn industry’s core target.” Australian author Maggie Hamilton writes, “Children are being groomed to consume porn.

One of the most shocking effects of this exposure to pornography is the growing incidence of addiction among young people. John Woods describes a typical case: Jamie is 13 and hasn’t even kissed a girl, but is now on the sex offender register. Jamie says: “The first website I found led me to other websites and soon I was looking at even weirder stuff that I could never have imagined – animals, children, stabbing and strangling.  I stopped leaving my room and seeing my friends because I was dying to get back to see what else I could find.” John Woods explains that it was only when the police came knocking one morning that Jamie’s illegal material was found and his secret was exposed.  Even with intensive therapy he still suffers from deep shame and fears he will never be able to form a healthy relationship with a woman.

In May 2012 the UK Christian Institute reported that children as young as four were being removed from school for sexual misconduct. They were among almost 15,000 youngsters who had been expelled or suspended for sex offences – including assaults on teachers – in the previous five years. More than 1,100 were primary school children, some in reception classes. A national phenomenon, boys aged just four had been kicked out of schools in Dorset, Yorkshire, Wiltshire and the West Midlands. Incidents in County Durham included indecent exposure and possessing sexual material. In Merthyr Tydfil, a boy of ten was suspended for inappropriately touching four pupils. Offences catalogued from all the figures included sexual abuse, assault, harassment, and lewd behaviour.

On 22 June 2018 Christian Concern highlighted a crucial article by Professor David Paton. Entitled “The inconvenient truth about compulsory sex education” . An important and informative piece, Sword readers should feel free to share it far and wide. Too many people have been fooled by the sex education lobby into thinking that SRE is essential and benign. Evidence suggests otherwise, with sex and gender confusion on the rise. Below is part of Professor Paton’s article:  “We already know that schools in England, including primaries, will soon have compulsory relationships and sex education (SRE) forced upon them. However, the Government is yet to reveal the extent to which schools will be forced to follow the explicit, values-free approach to SRE for which the usual suspects from the sex education industry have been busy lobbying.

“Groups such as the Sex Education Forum and FPA often claim that their promotion of so-called ‘Comprehensive Sex Education’ (or CSE) is ‘evidence-based’ I wonder what they make of a new study from the Institute for Research & Evaluation  (IRE) which takes a forensic look at the evidence relating to CSE programmes in the US and elsewhere.

“It covers the impact of CSE on a range of outcomes including reductions in teen pregnancy, (STIs1, or, in the US, STDs2), delayed sexual activity and contraceptive use.

The findings are striking.

“The study is clear that there is no evidence of sustained reductions in teen pregnancy or STDs from CSE programmes. It reports that there were a few initial findings of increased levels of abstinence and condom use, but ‘evidence from multiple replication studies did not confirm most of the original positive results’. Even worse, some programmes had negative outcomes such as increased rates of teenage sex or teenage pregnancy.

It concludes:

“The research evidence indicates that CSE has essentially been ineffective in… classrooms and has produced a concerning number of negative outcomes.’ … In fact, to anyone who knows the field, these conclusions are not much of a surprise. They reflect very closely the latest Cochrane Review of evidence on the subject which found that sex education programmes had no demonstrable effect on the prevalence of HIV or other STIs, and that there was no apparent effect on the number of teenage pregnancies … A review of evidence of UK-based programmes similarly found that SRE ‘had minimal effect on reported behaviour’ and no impact on conceptions or terminations.

Despite what the sex-education establishment likes to claim, we now have very good evidence that so-called comprehensive sex education in schools is not associated with positive outcomes for young people.

“In passing, the evidence on the outcomes of abstinence-based education is also somewhat mixed, but the IRE reports promising findings from at least some of these programmes, although there is still the need for more research.

“Why does sex education seem to be so ineffective at tackling issues such as teenage pregnancy? One reason is that a central feature of CSE programmes is providing access to birth control for those young people who ‘are going to have sex anyway’. It does not take a genius to understand that such an approach can normalise sexual activity and actually contribute to the problems you are trying to solve.

“Indeed, last year research published in the Journal of Health Economics by Liam Wright of Sheffield University and myself found that local authorities which implemented the biggest cuts to teenage pregnancy projects, such as new SRE programmes or birth control clinics for teens, actually saw bigger reductions in pregnancy rates than areas which have kept these projects going.”

There is much that we can and should do to protect children’s minds and bodies.

This includes setting up regular prayer groups to pray for the children of our nation, challenging the Government to do more to protect them from abuse and corruption and focusing much more on the Evangelism and Discipleship of children and youth.We should start teaching children about Jesus and the Bible from as young as possible. I have seen four year olds reciting scriptures from memory. We all know that to imbibe and absorb Scripture as youngsters is an invaluable defence mechanism against the wiles of the enemy. 

With Jesus in their heart a child or youth is much better prepared for the many temptations and corrupting influences in the world. Children also need good Christian role models. Teaching them by words is not enough – they need to also see Christianity lived out, preferably by their parents, relatives, teachers, pastors, youth leaders etc. Children are more likely to follow an example – whether good or bad, than to live by what has been merely said, but not lived out in front of them. This requires much time and focus and children and youth certainly deserve the sacrifices of committed Christian adults to mentor them, especially now that there is such widespread and growing wickedness. God expects this. Here are some Bible verses revealing His will:

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

“Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.” Proverbs 29:17

See also Deuteronomy 4:8 & 9 and Matthew 18:1 to 6.

The worst we can do is be indifferent and passive. Children should be loved, nurtured, protected and taught about Jesus Christ. God expects us to pray regularly and act boldly for the children!

1 Sexually Transmitted Infections

2 Sexually Transmitted Diseases