SWORD COMMUNITY: Foundations live web bible school

Appearing at a screen near you … probably a matter of inches away

As far as I’m concerned, technology has finally caught up with my imagination. We have been blessed with wonderful fellowship and unique teaching experiences at our Foundations conferences, but these are few and far between. What about the rest of the year?

Because of the geographical diversity of our people, the only way we could connect is through the internet. Yet, bearing in mind a high proportion of our supporters/delegates are from the ‘pre-web’ age, isn’t this going to be a bit complex and fiddly? Certainly not!

With the technology we use, anyone wishing to participate with our live web Bible school just has to click on a single link and the computer/tablet/ smartphone does the rest and then, hey presto, there you are on the screen (or not if you wish to remain anonymous) along with a dozen or more others, arranged in a format reminiscent of ‘Blankety Blank’ with Terry Wogan (the good old days!) You are able to watch everything that is being taught,with a live presenter and possibly powerpoint and other aids. You can interact by ‘putting your hand up’, or through simply speaking into your microphone or typing into the ‘chat box’. Everything is recorded as an audio file so you can listen back afterwards.After each session, we always open things up for a Q&A or just a general chat, so there is a very real sense of a community developing, which is exciting and encouraging.

Here are some observations from a couple of regulars:

“It’s like being part of a small group study, but from the comfort of your own home! I always feel free to ask questions (I seem to have plenty!) and the whole group can chip in with answers, but in an orderly fashion. I find it a very helpful way to learn and an enjoyable way to fellowship with people when we are spread far & wide. I look forward to joining every session, if I can make space in my diary” Nigel “

Thank you for the Bible Study. I found the whole experience to be most informative and profound. Living on the coast in Essex I am far from a Hebraic Church so Foundations is a light and a lifesaver for me. I don’t know how you could carry on this specific ministry but I have asked God to show you the way and guide you”. Malcolm

The next term should have started by the time you read this, so why not go to https://saltshakers.com/content/foundations-bible-school and find out more?

SWORD on the Web

Subscribers are able to freely access the current issue of Sword as well as a growing archive. If you subscribed online then you will have a log-in provided, but if you are an existing subscriber to the print magazine please email steve@saltshakers.com for a log-in. Not only will you have access to articles but you will also be able to post comments and also access premium content on the Saltshakers website, including audios from all Foundations conferences


Foundations Day conference in London. Saturday September 15th 10am – 5pm

Foundations Day conference in Scunthorpe. Saturday October 6th 10am – 5pm

Foundations 10 National conference in Devon. October 29th – November 2nd 2018

Foundations Day conference in Stirling. Saturday November 10th 10am – 5pm

Foundations Day conference in Dublin. Saturday November 24th 10am – 5pm

Moedim monthly ‘Hebraic discovery evenings’ in London (First Friday of every Biblical month)
(For more details of these and other events, go to https://saltshakers.com/foundations/events/map)

Foundations live web bible school SWORD COMMUNITY Appearing at a screen near you … probably a matter of inches away!

Sword magazine is closely allied to the Foundations family, run by the Saltshakers web ministry (www.saltshakers.com). This is a growing national community of like-minded Bible believers, drawn together through the Foundations conferences that have been held all over the country since 2012.