save our babies

The unseen holocaust continues. Surely there is some way we can make a difference? 

“God doesn’t care how we feel about abortion, He will want to know what we did to stop it.” Andy Stephenson, Evangelical Christian & Director of Pro-Life organisation, Abort67

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.  If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done? (Proverbs 24:11-12)

The beautiful and happy little girl pictured opposite was nearly aborted. Thankfully an Abort67 volunteer was able to persuade her mother of her preborn baby’s humanity and persuade her not to have an abortion.  It is just one of numerous examples where Abort67 has been able to avert tragedy and save innocent lives by boldly showing the public the truth about abortion. They prove that we can be salt and light in our increasingly anti-Christian society and we can save lives and prevent tragedies if we are willing to partner with groups like Abort67and support them with our sacrificial giving and prayers.  

Jesus was once a baby too …

Jesus Christ commands His followers to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Verse 16 shows that Jesus expects good deeds from us and that such deeds will encourage people to glorify God. I recently watched a fictional drama where an angel was exhorting a discouraged man to continue with his God-Given but difficult mission. The angel said: “Most folks live and die without moving anything more than the dirt it takes to bury them, you get to change things. Save people … It’s a gift.” 

And what better way to celebrate this Christmas than by helping to rescue vulnerable babies from the certain death by abortion? After all the true meaning of Christmas is about the coming into our world of an extremely special baby named Jesus Christ. It is also about the very great love God showed us by sending His son into the world (John 3:16) and the love that we should show to God and our neighbours – including our unborn neighbours. Since Jesus said that these are the Greatest Commandments (Matthew 22:34-40).

Christmas leads us to think more about baby Jesus. But what about the unborn baby Jesus? In Luke 1:39-44, John the Baptist, while still in his mother’s womb, leaps for joy at the nearby presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb. The acknowledgement by one unborn child of another. With this miracle God clearly demonstrated that the unborn child is as much a living human being as a child outside the womb. He knew that one day such children would be subjected to mass slaughter by abortion.   

The uncomfortable truth

Abortion is the worst form of child abuse because it is the only type of child abuse where the child’s death is guaranteed. No child survives a “successful” abortion. In Britain the liberalisation of access to abortion with the 1967 Abortion Acthas resulted in the industrial scale slaughter of unborn children. On average over 500 unborn children are killed by abortion every day. In Britain nearly 9 million unborn babies have been killed by abortion so far. This genocide against unborn children has become so widely accepted that now pro-abortionists are campaigning for all legal restrictions on abortion in Britain to be completely removed.

Abort67 is a dynamic UK pro-life organisation that unflinchingly exposes the evil of abortion. They show it like it is – displaying pictures of aborted babies so people can see for themselves the humanity of the unborn child and the terrible destruction inflicted on such helpless children by abortion. It is a public education project of the Centre for Bio-ethical Reform UK (CBR UK). Abort67say that they use pictures of aborted children primarily because they work. They radically change the way people feel about abortion. This is certainly needed when so much of the British public have been heavily indoctrinated by Pro-Abortionist propaganda.   

The real nature of abortion is hidden away by those who want to protect it or protect themselves. To see the graphic reality of what abortion does to preborn children, visit .CBR UK states: “We believe that every time we hold up images of aborted babies, lives are saved whether present or future.”

Rescued from death …

Ruth, who works for CBR UK, said: “I met a woman outside the Department of Health who said she had met me and seen the images 6 months prior. She came to tell me how she had got pregnant 3 months later and had considered abortion, but the image had come back into her head and she couldn’t do it. She was now 3 months pregnant, and wanted to thank me for being there to show the images”.

On another occasion Judy,one of their volunteers, asked a young couple entering an abortion clinic if she could speak to them before they went in. The couple did stop to talk and Judy handed them one of Abort67’sstickers showing an 8-week-old aborted unborn child. When they realised that abortion was an act of violence that would kill their child they decided to keep their baby. Months later some of Abort67’s volunteers had the pleasure of meeting their beautiful baby girl.

Outside an abortion clinic in Brighton a woman and her boyfriend were on their way into the clinic to have an abortion when they passed Abort67’s display and stopped to talk. As a result, the couple quickly changed their minds and decided to continue with the pregnancy. The young woman started calling her friends telling them that they should never have an abortion. When she returned home she also convinced her sister who was also pregnant to continue with her pregnancy.  It was the brutal reality of abortion that did the convincing.   

But Abort67 hear far too often from women both young and old that had they been outside the clinic or hospital exposing abortion with the images of aborted children then these women would not have had an abortion. However, since abortions are being conducted in clinics and hospitals all across Britain, Abort67 would need a huge increase in its financial resources and number of volunteers before it can reach many more women with crisis pregnancies and save a lot more lives. 

There are many people alive now because their parents saw the truth of what an abortion actually does to an unborn child. The reality of abortion being graphically exposed led to this moving email to Abort67: “Thank you for helping me change my mind when I was pregnant with my 4th child, I very nearly went through with an abortion and now I can say thanks to you my son is a healthy and happy 4-year-old boy. I now oppose abortion completely.”

How do we respond?

The above are just a few examples of the numerous lives that have been saved by Abort67 and CBR UK.  You too can become a lifesaver if you are willing to support this work. Nobody is more vulnerable than an unborn child – not even that child’s mother – because nobody is more helpless and totally 100% dependent on the love and protection of others than the unborn child. Decades of pro-abortion lies have led to the unthinking, blind acceptance of abortion in Britain. It is never a good or Christian thing to get used to evil. 

God considers the shedding of innocent blood to be detestable (Proverbs 6:16-17). As part of His Great Commission, Jesus said that we are to teach all nations to “obey everything I have commanded”. (Matthew 28:18-20),thus teaching and urging all people to obey God’s commands, including the command not to shed innocent blood, is part of the Great Commission. Many UK Christians say they are opposed to abortion but refuse to actively oppose it.This is sinful. James 4:17 states: “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”

CBR UK exists to educate society on the humanity of the unborn child and the injustice of abortion, using images and other evidence; and to support those who have been hurt by it. Their mission is: To make abortion unthinkable. Among UK Pro-Life organisations CBR UKis unique. CBR has developed a practical strategy to end abortion based on principles derived from their analysis of successful strategies for social reform throughout history. A common theme which unifies those strategies is the use of visual imagery to establish the humanity of targeted victims, and the inhumanity of the injustices by which they have been victimised.  Reformers must prove the humanity of the oppressed because many victims are popularly perceived to be subhuman. Proving their humanity is necessary, but it is seldom sufficient.  It is also important to expose the inhumanity of the relevant injustices, because the magnitude of their evil is often inexpressible and, therefore, underestimated.

Abort67 and CBR UK, are in an extremely high stakes battle for the lives of millions of vulnerable unborn children. But they are very short of money to fight this massive battle. They also urgently need to have a lot more supporters. Britain’s abortion industry on the other hand, has millions of pounds, including extensive Government funding and our taxpayer’s money.   

God has a very special love for children. Let us share God’s Love with all those voiceless, vulnerable babies out there who are under a death sentence from abortion. If you are willing, you can help save the lives of many precious babies. To help the lifesaving work of Abort67 and CBR UK, please make a cheque out to: CBR UK and send it to: CBR UK, 23 New Broadway, Tarring Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 4HP. Or donate online by credit card at: charities/cbrukcentreforbioethicalre formuk.

Please also seriously consider partnering long term with Abort67 and CBR UK in saving lives. They urgently need many more new supporters in order to sustain and expand their crucial lifesaving work. You can sign up online to be on the mailing list of Abort67 and CBR UK, by using this link: updates-signup-contact-us.