revelations in Revelation: Christ and Israel

This revelation of Jesus Christ confirms that He has not forsaken Israel.In fact, they still very much have a part to play …

The last study in this series assured us that, despite the apparent turmoil in the world, Jesus Christ is still sovereign. The fifth and sixth trumpets warn that a time of great woe is coming on the earth. In believing His word we will not be taken by surprise. Jesus said of these times, ‘See I have told you beforehand.’ The primary purpose of prophecy is to enable us to be prepared. 

There is a people whom God still loves. He made a covenant with them, which He will not break.The focus of the prophecies in Revelation 11:19 – 12:6 and 12:13 – 16 now moves to the people of the Sinai Covenant.

The ark of His covenant is seen in heaven in the Temple. According to Hebrews 8:4 – 5 the earthly tabernacle with its furnishings was a copy of the one in heaven. The Ark of the Covenant symbolizes the covenant with Israel. Lightning, sounds, peals of thunder and earthquake all describe the scene at Sinai when the covenant was given. (Exodus 19:16-19). At Sinai Israel accepted the call to become the people of God. Jeremiah referred to it as a betrothal. (Jeremiah 2:2)

The woman clothed in the sun reminds us of Josephs’ dream (Genesis 37:9) in which the sun, moon and stars speak of Israel. The interpretation that this refers to Israel is confirmed by her bearing a male child who will rule the nations with a rod of iron. Israel bore the male child. In Psalm 2:8, 9 it is Jesus who will rule the nations with a rod of iron. The dragon, Satan, was waiting to devour the child the moment He was born. Satan uses his proxy Herodto attempt to destroy the child (Matthew 2:16). The stars represent a third of the angelic beings that follow Satan in his rebellion. When he falls to earth, they fall as well.

Verse 6 begins with the conjunction kai, which means ‘and’. This indicates that catching up of the male child and woman fleeing are connected events. Is this time related? Is it about the Jews being forced out of their land after the ascension of Christ? Forced out due to rejecting their Messiah? Despite that in exile the Lord fed them preserving them as a nation. Jesus promised that the nation of Israel would not pass away. If so the 1260 days of exile is symbolic as they were out of the land for over 1800 years. 

Or is it faith related? Another way of connecting the ascension of Christ and the woman fleeing is to understand that the woman represents the believing remnant of Israel. They are the remnant who recognise Jesus as the Messiah. Because they recognise who Jesus is they will obey His words. When they see the sign of which He warned they will flee. As this is an end time vision I think that this is the more likely connection. 

Flee Jerusalem!

Jesus gave a warning that when the abomination of desolationis revealed those in Judea must flee (Matthew 24:15, 16). The Jews who heed that warning will escape the worst of the reign of the Antichrist.Our Lord must grieve that so many in Israel do not acknowledge Him as their Messiah. If, down the centuries, they had put their trust in Him, He would have shielded them from much of the trouble they have endured. During this end timeit is the same. If only they will listen to His warning they will be spared. This is a revelation of our Lord’s continuing love for Israel. But if they continue in blind disbelief they will suffer. Sadly both the Old and New Testaments testify that the blindness will continue until the day on which Jesus physically returns to fight for them. He will come at a time when their power has been shattered and their only remaining hope is the cry out to Him (Daniel 12:7).

Those who flee will be given two wings of an eagle.  In Exodus 19:4 the flight from Egypt is described as ‘bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself’.The future flight may seem like a desperate escape by any means available but God will be watching over them. In the wilderness believing Israel will be looked after by God for the three and a half years of tribulation. Is this place of safety, a country which is free from the reign of the beast or will they be hidden by Gentile Christians? 

Will the Jews suffer even more?

This is a question which exercises many. Some teach that their suffering is past and now what lies ahead is the conversion of Israel as they come to recognise their Saviour. All who love Israel must truly hope that these people are right. However there are a number of scriptural prophecies which point to one last end-time period of suffering. One of these is John 5:43 which I believe is prophetic. The reason Israel will have one last terrible period of suffering is because having rejected their Messiah they will now look to the one who comes in his own name, a reference to the Antichrist.

Unable to destroy the believing remnant of Jews, Satan in fury turns on the Christians. They are described as the ones who obey God and testify of their faith in Christ. Satan has good reason to be angry with them. We go back to Revelation 12:7-12 to read about a war which breaks out in heaven. This passage opens with Michael and the angels fighting against Satan and his angels. Michael defeats Satan and drives him out of heaven. Satan and his host are cast down to the earth to work their evil plans. It is a time of woe to the earth because Satan knows he has only a little time to establish his rule. In the last article I wrote that the primary purpose of this deception is to fool Christians. The rest of the world has been deceived already. He has a short time in which to eradicate faith in Christ and take control of this world.

The triumph of the saints

Satan is described as, ‘the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night.’ When Satan accused Job, he claimed that man would only follow God for material benefit.  The saints prove this to be a lie. They overcome Satan by being willing to give up everything out of love for their Master. Satan hates those ‘who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ ’because their faithfulness has contributed to his defeat. Jesus defined His brethren as ‘whoever does the will of my Father in heaven’. Matthew 12:50

The testimony of those who overcome Satan is summed up in the following three headings:

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb.

Jesus, through His death, destroyed the one who had the power of death (Hebrews 2:14). Satan had the power of death over us because we have sinned. Every accusation Satan brings against us is answered by the blood of the Lamb. Do we allow Satan to attack us and wear us down? He is our adversary, but we are to resist him (1 Peter 5:8, 9). If we resist him, he will flee (James 4:7). Satan will have a go because his character is the accuser. Tell him that everything he says may have been true once but now all our sin has been cancelled by the blood of the Lamb. There is no other gospel than the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Those who deny the atonement have no defence against Satan’s accusations.

And by the word of their testimony

Satan is defeated when we testify that we have been set free. Jesus said that ‘.…whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.’ (John 8:34).He also said, ‘if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.’ (John 8:36).Through faith we have been, ‘delivered from the power of darkness and conveyed into the kingdom of the Son.’ (Colossians 1:13).Jesus came to proclaim release to the captives. (Luke 4:18). The Lord commissioned Paul to set people free from the power of Satan. (Acts 26:18). That is our commission as well. We are either a slave of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness (Romans 6:16).

And they did not love their lives even to the death.

Satan’s is utterly crushed by this. Satan’s accusation against us is that we are only in it for what we get out of it. But if people are willing to give their lives for Christ, he has no answer. 

The final victory

In the 20th Century and continuing into the 21st millions of Christians have not loved their lives even to death. Some due to their faith have lost their livelihood. Others have been falsely accused and thrown into prison. We hear of those who have been enslaved but refuse to deny their faith. Many have given up their lives. As the end of the age draws closer the war on the saints will intensify. Every time a person holds fast to their faith in the face of persecution they are bringing Satan’s downfall closer. This is a victory which will be won by the millions of unknown but faithful followers of the Lamb. 

Israel in the final time of tribulation is covered in more detail in my booklet ‘The Great Anguish’. Copies are available from ‘Trumpet Sounds’, 48 Newlands, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex. RH17 6JA or email