the Islamic elephant in the room

It is surely about time that the World understands what is really going on in the Middle East

Many smart people babble about the Middle East [ME] conflicts, or why Muslim immigrants are dangerous to the West, yet they never mention Islam’s ideology as the core problem. Islam demands war-to-the-death with all non-Muslims. All current political manipulations, appeasements and peace deals ignore this. While Muslims are deceived and trapped in this demonic kingdom, Christians avoid confronting this reality so as not to be labeled as ‘Islamophobic’. Yet by not speaking truth, the West and the Church are acting like dhimmis– second class citizens under Islam who are forbidden to speak against Allah or Islam, and must pay jizya – a humiliating tax from non-Muslims to Muslim authorities. That is being done now, as Western and Christian aid to Muslims is often seen by Muslims as jizya..

Natalia Osten-Sacken, a freelance journalist at,interviewed Mona Walter,45, a Swedish activist from Somalia, who fled as a Muslim refugee to Sweden almost 30 years ago. She became a Christian, received death threats, yet is an activist for religious freedom. Below are some of Walter’s responses.

Muslims in Sweden do not report rapes of girls and boys by imams or family members, because Sweden’s social welfare workers are afraid to act on it out of fear of being labeled racist. Muslims are taught in mosques to “hate unbelievers/infidels,” resulting in actual hate-crimes. Their parents refuse to integrate or allow their children to mingle with non-Muslims. Asked why “Islamic radicals in Europe are becoming …more popular and active,” she said, because of “social media,” and because today there are “more Muslims.”Also, children born in the ’90s are now adults. “They went to Islamic schools, were subjected to brainwashing, radicalization, and learned hate for Western society…The yield of the last 30 years has matured.”

The answer to those who want to protect religious freedom is to recognize that “Islam…is a totalitarian system,” which forbids “all other religions, freedom of speech and freedom of individual choice. It is the opposite of democracy.” Islam is also not a religion of peace. Islamic peace means all people “accept Islam as their religion,” with sharia – Islamic law – prevailing. Islam divides mankind into “a house of peace and a house of war.” All infidels, even “liberal Muslims who do not accept sharia, are in the house of war.”

Does Walter see a chance to reform Islam? No! “How can you reform Allah? The Quran is Allah’s Word…The Reformation in Christianity meant returning to…the Scriptures. Applying this criterion, Islam has already been ‘reformed’ by Wahhabism and Salafism,” radical expressions of Islam today. (“Everyone was afraid to be branded as a racist,” N. Osten-Sacken, Gatestone Institute, 23 Apr. 2018)

The rise of Islamic Nazis

Is it a God-induced blindness (2 Thess. 2:11) that causes so many in the West to ignore “Turkish President Erdogan’s antiSemitic rhetoric,”or that causes Europe to support the Palestinians while ignoring their openly declared aim to destroy Israel, or that causes the EU to back the Iran nuclear deal, yet ignore Iran’s oft-repeated goal to exterminate Israel. Tzvi Sadan wonders in today’s world where “Nazi” is now “a swear word for those who don’t agree with our political views,” if whether real Nazis are invisible – “free to pursue their own version of the ‘final solution’?”

Erdogan calls the Palestinians a “symbol of all oppressed…” saying humanity’s future is determined by “its stance regarding the Palestine cause and the question of Jerusalem…” This invented ‘oppression’ mirrors what Hitler used against the Jews in his own country, seeing them as the “diabolical agent” desecrating all of humanity. Erdogan echoed Hitler again by calling for a holy war against the Jewish state. Or as Hitler said, “My conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.” Muslim support for Hitler is painfully obvious yet the nations look away, and so this Nazi-Islamic spirit against God’s people and His nation grows noticeably every day. (“Out of the North Evil Will Break Forth,” Tsvi Sadan, Israel Today, 18 May 2018)

Manfred Gerstenfeld says, “AntiIsraelism is [a] type of anti-Semitism.” Some on the extreme left want Israel removed, which “can only happen through genocide.” Modern Leftist ideology divides the world “into oppressors and oppressed. The oppressors are supposedly all white including Israel and the Jews.” Yet they ignore the fact “that most people killed in armed conflicts in this century are Muslims murdered by other Muslims…” (“The World’s Mega-antiSemites,” M. Gerstenfeld, JP Op-ed, 21 June 2018)

Iran exposed! The world yawns

Times of Israel’s David Horovitz, says the “derisive” response from “the nations that negotiated the 2015 nuclear capitulation to Iran”to Prime Minister [PM] Bibi Netanyahu’s unveiling of evidence snatched out of Iran by the Mossadon “Iran’s nuclear weapons program…merely underlines their incompetence, their failure, their disingenuousness, and the gravity of the ongoing Iranian threat that they… failed to defuse.

Bibi did not say Israel had evidence of Iran breaking the 2015 deal. Just the opposite; Israel is concerned “that the deal is so negligent, so misconceived, so badly constructed,” that Iran has no need to break it. They can pursue development of nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile programs freely, and wait until the deal runs out to produce nuclear weapons. “And what that haul of Iran’s own documentation conclusively demonstrated is that this is precisely what Iran intends to do…

Bibi’s critics said there was nothing new in what he presented, with the EU’s foreign policy chief Mogherini saying the deal was made “because there was no trust between the parties…” Horovitz concludes that this means,”We knew they were lying, and that’s why we had to put this accord into place… [Or] We knew they were lying, and that’s why we cut a lousy deal with them…”! (“Derisive response to PM’s exposé shows world still refusing to get real on Iran,” D. Horovitz, TOI Op-ed, 1 May 2018)

Dr. Kazem Moussavi, an exiled Iranian opposition activist said, “To understand the importance of the archival material exposed”by Israel, understand ” that Iran’s nuclear program is the product of [its] apocalyptic and anti-Semitic worldview and its global goals,”which are “anti-Western and anti-Israeli…

He sees the world at war with Iran now, “in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and on Israel’s borders,”not only because of Hamasand Hezbollah, but also over Iran’s military presence in Syria. (“Exiled Iranian activist: Europe… acknowledge Iran threat,” Israel Hayom, 2 May 2015)

Iranians are still protesting against “the hardline ruling regime” and the steep devaluation of the Iranian rial, its currency. They are fed up with the regime’s “focus on foreign intervention” instead of Iran’s own welfare. Protestors chant in Farsi, “Death to Palestine” – referring to Iran’s funding of Hamas in Gaza and its efforts to destroy Israel. Iran’s huge expenditures in Syria had protestors chanting, “Leave Syria and think of us.”(“Iranian Protestors… Chanting, ‘Death to Palestine’,” Washington Free Beacon, 25 June 2018)

Yet Iran’s Shi’ite leaders are fixated on Israel, as an Iranian Revolutionary Guard head recently said, “Today an international Islamic army has been formed in Syria,” awaiting orders to attack Israel. He praised Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, who “made Israel’s destruction an Iranian goal.”(“Top Iranian general: Forces in Syria ‘awaiting orders’ to destroy Israel ” TOI, 9 July 2018)

Israel threatened from the north

Israel’s main security focus is on its Syrian and Lebanese borders where Iranian forces and proxies are digging in. Although God’s promise in Jeremiah 31:35-37 says Israel will not be destroyed – that does not mean a future war with mass deaths is out of the question. So we watch and pray. [Join us:]

Herb Keinon said US Democrats hated the mid-July Trump-Putin news conference in Finland. Even Republicans cringed at Trump’s backing of “Putin’s denial of involvement in the 2016 US election…” Many EU leaders were also dismayed as they see Putinas a real and present threat.   But Netanyahu was thrilled. His “full-court diplomatic press,” contacting both men before the meeting, paid off, as at the news conference watched by the world, both accepted “Israel’s security concerns in Syria and the need to address them.” (“Putin-Trump news conference that made Netanyahu smile,” H. Keinon, JP, 17 July 2018) 

The Syrian situation is fraught with danger. Iran is trying to set up a military presence both there and in Iraq. Also news has just surfaced of Iran shipping weapons and missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon via commercial airplanes. Meanwhile, Israel has just revealed that over the past two years it has hit over 200 Iranian targets. We do not expect that to stop.

Israel attacked from the south

Israel left Gaza in 2005, yet since March 30th,  Hamas has amassed Gazans to breach the security fence and break into Israel. Hamas terrorists hide in the midst of these civilians, and so far, around 200 Gazans – mostly terrorists – have been killed, with thousands wounded, while only one Israeli soldier has died. This is God’s miraculous protection on full display (Jer. 31:10). 

The day the US embassy moved to Jerusalem was the worst day of rioting; more than 60 Gazans were killed. Yaakov Amidror,a former IDF major general and National Security Advisor, said criticism that Israel should “use less lethal means,” is an example of people in “air-conditioned offices” offering advice on how to face tens of thousands of Arabs, when you don’t know who are terrorists, and who are innocent civilians “who came only because they got some money from Hamas…” (“Former NSC Head Amidor: So. Africa & Turkey not important for Israel,” Herb Keinon, JP, 15 May 2018)

In a Facebook video, Netanyahu quoted from recent statements of senior Hamas leaders. M. al Zaharsaid “calling the actions of Palestinians on the Gaza border ‘peaceful’ is a clear ‘deception’…” Bibi agrees: “Shooting guns and lobbing explosives at Israelis is not peaceful at all.” Y. Sinwarsaid the aim of the riots is to “tear down their border and tear out their hearts.”Bibi agrees: “destroying Israel and killing innocent Israelis is his true goal.” (“… I agree with Hamas,” Arutz 7, 18 May 2018)

David Weinberg,VP of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies, quotes Charles Krauthammer who in 2014 wrote, “To deliberately wage war so that your own people can be telegenically killed is… moral and tactical insanity. But it rests on a very rational premise: Given the Orwellian state of the world’s treatment of Israel, fueled by a mix of classic antiSemitism, near-total historical ignorance and reflexive sympathy for the ostensible Third World underdog – eruptions featuring Palestinian casualties ultimately undermine support for Israel’s legitimacy and right to self-defense. In a world of such Kafkaesque ethical inversions, the depravity of Hamas begins to make sense. The whole point is to draw Israeli counter-fire; to produce dead Palestinians for inter-national television.” Weinberg continues, “It is infuriating that democratic leaders profess to be concerned for Palestinian rights, yet ignore Hamas’ … genocidal and antiSemitic agenda, and its record of Islamist oppression and human rights abuse.” It is dangerous that nations ” who insist on the importance of the ’67 lines are now sympathizing with attempts to rupture that same line around Gaza. What is Western support for ‘Israel’s right to exist within secure and recognized borders’ worth if those borders cannot be defended?” It is “profane to equate Hamas’ abuse of civilians in revving-up violence, with Israel’s desire to avoid violence and its care to discriminate between terrorist agitators and civilian protestors…”It is sickening to see the death toll as “disproportionate. How many Israelis have to die for the sake of symmetry…?” 

Why, why, why?

And why do so many accept Palestinian “days of rage”? Does the West think “responsible and reasonable behavior… can’t be expected of the Palestinians? This is the soft bigotry of low expectations and the counterpart hard bigotry of demands for impeccable/impossible conduct from Israel.” Golda Meir once said, “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children.
We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.
” Weinberg: “We Israelis can forgive the world for promoting Palestinian rights. We cannot forgive them for allowing Palestinians to believe that Israel will always get blamed no matter what the provocation.” (“Gaza prejudice and perfidy,” D. M. Weinberg, Israel Hayom Op-ed, May 18, 2018)

Clifford May, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies president, writes, “the line between Israel-hatred and Jew-hatred has all but disappeared. In the 20th century, the goal of extreme antiSemites was a Europe without Jews. In the 21st century, the goal of extreme antiSemites is a ME without a Jewish state.”

Modern Zionism was birthed “to build a modern Jewish state in part of the ancient Jewish homeland.” Israel was a refuge for Jews worldwide, “including hundreds of thousands expelled from Arab and Muslim countries after WW II…To be a Zionist now means supporting Israel’s right to survive” and to defend itself from all “whose intentions are openly genocidal. By implication, that also tells us what it means to be an anti-Zionist.” (“For Hamas & its friends, the worse the better,” C. D. May, Israel Hayom Op-ed, 25 May 2018)