extreme abortion bill

On average over 500 unborn children are killed by abortion every day in the UK. In the past 50 years, that figure has reached 9 million lives destroyed.

Prime Minister Theresa May has stated that she does not agree with Diana Johnson MP’s proposed abortion decriminalisation bill. The Prime Minister reiterated that locally elected politicians in Northern Ireland must decide on the issue there.

Mrs May wrote: “I do have concerns about the points raised in Diana Johnson’s Ten Minute Rule Bill. I do not support the repealing of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 for several reasons. Primarily, repealing those two sections does not solve the issue of abortion in Northern Ireland, as without any new provisions it offers no safeguards for women and would impact on England and Wales, as well as Northern Ireland.

She continued: “The 1967 Abortion Act provides defences against the criminal law offences in the 1861 Act. If these offences were removed then abortion would in effect be decriminalised and no legal framework would be in place, including no gestational time limits. A new legal framework would be needed to replace those provisions, which is rightly a devolved matter which locally accountable politicians in Northern Ireland should have the opportunity to debate and consider.

“The measures in the Bill also go a lot further than the current debate in Northern Ireland, so it is important legislation is not imposed on Northern Ireland and we allow local politicians the opportunity to represent the views of the people of Northern Ireland.” Mrs. May concluded: “It is the Government’s priority to restore devolved government at the earliest opportunity.”

The Prime Minister’s comments were publicised as Diana Johnson published the text of her bill, and 60 female celebrities signed an open letter organised by Amnesty International calling on the Prime Minister to give it parliamentary time. Over 120 pro-life women signed a letter in response, urging the Prime Minister to stand up for women and unborn children.

When Diana Johnson’s extreme bill on abortion was due to have its Second Reading on 23 November it faced objections from MPs which meant that it could not proceed further that day. It remains uncertain whether Ms. Johnson will try to have another date set for her bill.

Make no mistake; abortion decriminalisation is still a very real threat. Those Pro-Abortion extremists who want to decriminalise abortion are hell-bent on achieving this objective so much vigilance and prayer continue to be needed.


With the threat of decriminalisation in November 2018 the Centre for BioEthical Reform UK (CBR UK) joined forces with the London leaders of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to do a public education display outside Parliament bearing witness to the plight of unborn babies and showing what abortion actually does to such babies. Thousands saw the ugly reality of abortion for the first time, and a rape victim was loved and encouraged by the team. To see the very graphic reality of what abortion does to preborn children, readers may consider visiting: http://abort67.co.uk/facts/dare_to_see_ the_truth

In Britain the liberalisation of access to abortion with the 1967 Abortion Act has resulted in the industrial scale slaughter of unborn children. On average over 500 unborn children are killed by abortion every day in the UK. 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act. Nearly 9 million unborn children have been killed by Abortion in the UK so far.

One Life Saved

Here is just one example of the numerous babies saved by the Pro-Life work of CBR UK. This is an account by Judy, a volunteer who was working at one of CBR UK’s Public Education Displays on the humanity of the unborn child and the injustice of abortion.

The mother was outside the abortion clinic crying. She was about 3 months pregnant and had lost her job working as a helper in a family when she told them about her pregnancy. She was living with her partner in poor accommodation. Her partner was out working and she was isolated during the day. He wanted to keep the baby but he didn’t want to go back to live in Spain. I arranged to meet her in Marks and Spencer and introduced her to Colette Hubert who could speak Spanish with her. We had further meetings with her and she decided that she would keep her baby, returning to Spain to give birth.

This is Christianity in action. Demonstrating in a practical way obedience to God’s second greatest commandment to love our neighbours as ourselves (Matthew 22:34 to 40). CBR UK’s donors and volunteers are crucial. They enable them to perform their lifesaving work.

However as abortions are being conducted in clinics and hospitals all across Britain, CBR UK would need to have a very big increase in their financial resources and their number of volunteers before they can reach so many more women with crisis pregnancies and save a lot more lives. On the other hand the abortion industry and pro-abortion activists are extremely well funded, including receiving extensive Government funding. It is a “David and Goliath” battle to protect defenceless babies.

Unless those who claim that they are pro-life are willing to put their pro-life beliefs into action and give generously to this cause, the situation will only get much worse, with even more extreme pro-death measures being introduced. Perhaps including the legalisation of infanticide.

In September 2018 it was reported on lifenews.com (In an article reproduced from Breakpoint.) that attempts by ProAbortionists to try and justify the legalisation of infanticide are gathering momentum. Here is the link to the article: https://www.lifenews.com/2018/09/20/a bortion-activists-argue-infanticide-doesnot-violate-a-persons-right-to-life/

To help save babies from death by abortion you can make a cheque out to: CBR UK and send it to: CBR UK, 23 New Broadway, Tarring Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 4HP. Please also seriously consider joining the CBR UK supporter mailing list.

Buffer Zones

Home Secretary Sajid Javid had previously rejected proposals to introduce buffer zones outside abortion clinics on a national level after the Home Office conducted an in-depth review. He said that buffer zones would not be a proportionate response because the normal activities conducted outside of abortion centres, such as prayer and handing out of leaflets, were “passive in nature.” He also said that the longstanding tradition we have for people to be free to gather together and to demonstrate their views was something we should be proud of.

However in April 2018, Ealing Council implemented a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order), which established a censorship zone around a local abortion centre. The PSPO made it a criminal offence to pray about abortion, or to offer help to women outside the centre. A brave mother who received help from a pro-life vigil herself is currently challenging the PSPO in the courts. Follow this link to find out more and to help this courageous lady with her crucial legal challenge: https://www.gofundme.com/ alinalegalfund

The House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee has launched an Inquiry into Abortion Law in Northern Ireland. It appears that this inquiry has been set up to try and put pressure on the UK Government to impose abortion on Northern Ireland. The deadline for submissions to this inquiry has since ended but it invited submissions from people across the UK including those outside Northern Ireland. Clearly an exercise in second guessing the will of the majority of the Northern Irish people.


This is representative of our society and time, when vociferous minorities dictate to passive majorities what they should think and how they should behave. For example we have witnessed such oppressive conduct with Pro-LGBT Campaigners (do they ever cease being offended?) linking with the Brexit “Remainers”, most of whom would prefer to simply ignore the majority democratic vote. This is a very dangerous trend, one that will eventually lead to tyranny if it is not robustly challenged.

When the Referendum result was publicised I was elated. This was a Godsend as the EU is rabidly anti-God as well as unaccountable. But I knew that there would be a huge fight to try and either keep the UK in the EU against the will of the majority, or to dilute Brexit as much as possible.

The Republic of Ireland’s Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, has described Theresa May’s withdrawal deal as “the next best thing” to the UK staying in the European Union. This suggests that the Brexit deal supported by May is nothing like the clean break which the majority of the people voted for in June 2016.

Voters did not vote for a “deal” to be negotiated with the EU, and certainly not a compromise deal to satisfy the EU. They voted for a complete departure from the EU. The UK has been reduced to behaving as if it were a colony of the EU having to negotiate its independence from a foreign empire. Please pray for the UK to achieve definitive Brexit.