Christ as Protector

Satan’s final kingdom will be used to separate the righteous from the wicked. But who are the 144,000 standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion?

This is the seventh article in the series ‘12 Revelations of Jesus Christ’ from the book of Revelation. In the previous instalment we looked at Christ and Israel. He still loves the Jews and will protect those who obey Him in these last days. We also saw how that the martyrs for Christ directly contribute to the downfall of Satan.

In this article we cover the final years leading up to the return of Christ Jesus. For a very brief period at the close of the age, a trinity of evil will be allowed to counterfeit the work of God in order to deceive men. This vision ends with a special group of people whom Christ has redeemed and protected throughout the time of trouble. They are seen, with Him, triumphant over the kingdom of this world.

Woe to the earth

As this age draws to a close Satan will be cast out of heaven. That victory in heaven is attributed to the faithful witness of the saints on earth. Of them is it said: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Revelation 12:11. Through being faithful when persecuted, or facing martyrdom, they prove Satan a liar.

Heaven rejoices at Satan’s overthrow, but for the earth it heralds a time of woe. Satan is full of wrath at his defeat and knows he has only a limited time left. What follows in Revelation chapter 13 is Satan’s last desperate attempt to re-assert his authority on this earth. He is enraged and so he directs his hatred against those who caused his downfall. These are the people who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

The beast

In Revelation chapter 13 the beast is both an empire and a person. The empire with seven heads and ten horns is the image of Satan. It is intriguing that this imagery seems to be one that Satan accepts. In South East Asia there are many representations of seven headed dragons. Often the dragon heads surround the Buddha.

Another characteristic of this empire is an association with previous empires. The leopard, bear and lion refer back to the kingdoms described in Daniel 7. Later in Revelation we learn that the seven heads also represent a succession of seven kings or empires. Perhaps most significant of all is that one of the heads received a mortal wound from which it has been healed. In Revelation chapter 17 we learn that the beast empire is a revival of one of the former empires. This revived empire becomes the eighth and final empire of the beast. The answer to the question, which of the seven former empires received a fatal wound and yet in this time has recovered, helps to identify this final beast empire.

The world is astonished at the empire’s recovery. It causes people to worship this empire and to ask who can make war with it (perhaps also to be understood as who can resist it). An empire cannot speak, but a man who heads an empire can. This man speaks great things and blasphemies. In Daniel 7: 8 he is given the title the little horn. In 2 Thessalonians 2: 4 he is called the man of sin. It is the same person in each instance. Most often he is referred to as the Antichrist.

In Revelation 13: 5 we read that he was given authority for forty-two months. The word ‘given’ really should be underlined. ‘Given’ emphasises that he has no authority unless it is given by God. He speaks great things, boasting of his self-importance, but he can do only what God permits. In all that happens, God remains sovereign.

War on the Saints

God’s sovereignty is again emphasised in verse 7 where we read, “It was granted to him”. The beast is, for a time, allowed to make war on the followers of Christ. Daniel 7:21 warns that for a time the faithful will be overcome by the little horn/Beast.

Revelation opens with letters to seven churches. Each letter has an exhortation “to him who overcomes”, followed by a promise. The purpose of Revelation is to encourage us to overcome. There is a clear warning that in this final time many will be martyred or imprisoned. We are called on to persevere and promised that if we do, we will be blessed. As Christians we must be prepared to suffer for our Lord, while at the same time living in the expectant blessed hope of Christ’s return.

“if anyone has ears to hear let him hear” is a reference to the most frequently quoted prophecy in the Bible found in Isaiah 6:9,10. The people of Israel were condemned for having ears but not listening. Therefore, they lacked understanding and didn’t return to the Lord. We must not to be like them. We need to listen to the prophecy so that we are prepared and not deceived.

A trinity of evil

The first beast is joined by another beast. We now have a trinity of evil. The dragon, Satan, imitates the Father claiming equality with God. The beast imitates the Son, being the visible expression of his father the Devil. The false prophet counterfeits the work of the Holy Spirit.

This second beast performs great signs in order to deceive the world. In 2 Thessalonians 2: 9 the man of sin is allowed to use all of Satan’s power to perform signs and lying wonders. Satan’s prime tactic in these last days is deception. We are to be on our guard. Something may appear to be supernatural, but appearances do not ensure that it is from God.

The Mark

The Christian bears the seal of God, 2 Cor 1: 22, Eph 4: 30. That seal declares that we are Christ’s. The mark is Satan’s counterfeit of the seal of God. By accepting the name, mark or number people acknowledge Satan’s ownership. As we will see in the next article in this series those who accept Satan’s ownership will share his fate.

The preserved of Israel

We come to the ultimate outcome of the reign of the beast. Satan’s last desperate attempt to reassert his authority has led to a people separated out to be with the Lord. This has been God’s purpose in allowing all that has happened. The reign of the beast ends on a glorious note. The seventh trumpet has sounded. The redeemed have been gathered to be with their Lord. They return with Him as the armies of heaven to defeat the beast.

In chapter 7 we read about 144,000 sealed from the tribes of Israel. A symbolic number which emphasises a large number and completeness. The precise numbering emphasises that God is watching over His people. It is a sound principle of interpretation that once we have determined the meaning of a symbol, within a book of the Bible, we do not change that meaning when the symbol is repeated later in the book.

I believe that it is the same 144,000 that are described in Revelation 14: 1–5. They are now seen praising God. None of those whom God has sealed will be lost. In contrast to the mark, name and number of the beast, the 144,000 all bear the name of Christ and His Father on their foreheads. They refused the mark of the beast. For that reason, they are counted as pure. They are seen standing on Mount Zion. This is the place to which our Lord will return, with all His saints, to fight for and rescue Israel. On that day the remnant of Israel will repent and come to faith in their Messiah.

Amos 9:9,10 speaks of a time when Israel will be sifted and saved. The sifting will divide the sinners from the faithful. The 144,000 are the faithful. As their protector, Jesus will bring them all through the final time of trial. Out of rebellious Israel a new nation is born. They now belong to the Father. His name is written on their foreheads. The song that they sing comes from that special and unique relationship Israel has with God. It is between them and Jesus. They are said not to be defiled with women. The Lord warned Israel that following other gods was in His eyes adultery. The enticements of The Beast did not trap them. Therefore, they are described as virgins.

A nation born in a day

The reign of the beast will be a time of separation. It is the plan of God to use it to call out the few who stand faithful to Him from the many who will be deceived. In Romans we read that a time will come when the full number of gentiles has come in. That number will be completed during the final three and a half years of the beast’s reign. Once the number of the gentiles is complete, “a deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” Romans 11: 26.

According to Zechariah it will be on the day that the Lord comes to the defence of Israel that they will recognise their Messiah. On that day the remnant of the nation which has been protected and preserved during the time of trouble will repent. “And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book.” Daniel 12: 1