Why do the Nations conspire?

The UN – united in hatred against Israel ?

Today’s UN seems to be lining up for what God said He would do to the nations in the last days (Zech. 12:2-9; 14:1). Israeli Prime Minister [PM] Bibi Netanyahu, at the annual UN General Assembly [GA] meeting in Sept., blasted its animosity towards Israel: “Israel airlifted Ethiopian Jews to freedom and a new life in Israel…Yet here at the UN, Israel is absurdly accused of racism. Israel’s Arab citizens vote in our elections, serve in our parliament, preside over our courts, and have exactly the same individual rights as all other Israeli citizens. Yet here at the UN, Israel is shamefully accused of apartheid. Today, there are at least five times as many Palestinians as there were in 1948…Yet here at the UN, Israel is outrageously accused of ethnic cleansing.”

He sees this as just another twist on antisemitism. “Once, it was the Jewish people that were slandered and held to a diferent standard. Today, it’s the Jewish state…” He added, “Ever since Abraham and Sarah made their journey to the Promised Land nearly 4,000 years ago, the Land of Israel has been our homeland. It is the place…where David ruled and Isaiah preached…the place from which we were exiled and to which we returned, rebuilding our ancient and eternal capital Jerusalem. The nation state of Israel is the only place where the Jewish people proudly exercise our collective right of self-determination. That right was recognized nearly a century ago by the League of Nations and over 70 years ago by the UN,” as it voted in favor of “the establishment of a Jewish state.” PM Netanyahu’s speech at the UNGA, TOI, 27 Sept. 2018)

At the annual meeting of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, held on the anniversary of the UN vote to split “Palestine” into a Jewish and Arab state (29 Nov. ’47), a statement from Palestinian Authority [PA] Pres. Abbas was read, accusing Israel of “apartheid” and “colonialism,” and with no relation to truth, claimed that “the PA has fought incitement and terrorism, has fulflled all of its obligations under the Oslo accords, and has never refused negotiations.” (“UN: Eastern Jerusalem must be capital of ‘Palestine’,” Arutz 7, 29 Nov. 2018)

The UN then “approved six anti-Israel resolutions” including two ignoring all Jewish ties to the Temple Mount. The main resolution “also disavowed Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.” Several others referred to the Temple Mt. only “by its Muslim name,” and one called on “Israel to withdraw from the Golan,” handing it back to that mass-murderer Assad, Syria’s president. The Israeli Deputy Permanent Representative said resolutions ignoring Jewish and Christian ties to Jerusalem again expose a “Palestinian refusal to recognize historical reality … Nations must not approve of ‘such a blatant denial of history’ … and should not permit these blatant attempts to delegitimize Israel.” (“148 Nations disavow Jewish ties to Jerusalem, Temple Mount,” JP, 2 Dec. 2018.) The UN also voted down a resolution condemning Hamas for “rocket attacks on Israel, digging of terror tunnels, and launching incendiary balloons at Israeli communities…” using a procedural ploy before the vote made its adoption dependent on a two-thirds majority, so while the resolution received a majority of 87 votes in favour, it was not approved.

America’s UN Ambassador N. Haley submitted the resolution and said before the vote, “The question before us now is whether the UN considers terrorism acceptable if it’s directed at Israel … is hatred of Israel so strong that you defend a terrorist group?” She bluntly added, “There is nothing more anti-Semitic than saying terrorism is not terrorism when used against the Jewish people and the Jewish state.“(“Haley at the UN: Is hatred of Israel so strong?” Arutz 7, 7 Dec. 2018; “Despite broad support, US fails to win UN condemnation of Hamas,” Israel Hayom, 7 Dec. 2018.)

Bassam Tawil, a ME Arab Muslim, hates the world’s hypocrisy in dealing with Israel. He wrote that the defeat of this resolution was the UN’s gift to Palestinian terrorists who saw this “as an internationally sanctioned license to continue killing Jews …” Hamas thanked the nations who voted “no”; nations who “do not consider suicide bombings and rocket attacks against Jews as acts of terrorism.” (“UN Approves Terror, Torpedoes Peace,” B. Tawil, Gate-stone Institute, 10 Dec. 2018)

Trump, Bibi and God’s red line

In a joint press conference with Netanyahu at the UN, Trump told reporters, “I like [the] two-state solution.” Not only was this the frst time he openly endorsed this anti-Biblical solution, but he added that attaining peace is “more difcult because it’s a real estate deal…” Trump is playing with fire – God’s fire – by seeing God’s land as just another piece of “real estate”. Since then his presidency has sufered crisis after crisis. Bibi was not shaken by any of this. He thanked Trump for his support and for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, adding that, “In the UN, no one has backed Israel like you do. We appreciate it.” (“At UN, Trump backs two-state solution…” Israel Hayom, 27 Sept. 2018)

In a CNN interview afterward, while Netanyahu said he would look at Washington’s peace plan with an “open mind” he did not, thank God, “voice explicit support for a two-state solution…” When asked if he saw two-states as the answer, Bibi sidestepped. “I’ve discovered that, if you use labels, you’re not going to get very far because diferent people mean diferent things when they say ‘states’… I’d like to talk about substance.” Israel wants the Palestinians to “have all the power to govern themselves but none of the powers to threaten us.” Israel security forces must maintain control, or else that ‘state’ will be overrun by Islamic terrorists. People can decide if this is equal to a Palestinian state, but for Netanyahu, this is his bottom line. (“PM vows to keep ‘open mind’ on US peace plan; won’t voice support for 2 states,” TOI, 30 Sept. 2018).

Peace or insanity?

Insanity has been defned as doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting diferent results, and this describes almost all modern-day plans for an Israel-Palestinian peace. Prof. Zisser sees the current approach to “peace” as very fawed, frstly because, “we are no longer dealing with a two-state solution, but three: Israel, ‘Palestine’ in Judea & Samaria, aka ‘the West Bank’ and ‘Hamastan’ in Gaza. Next, no Arab leader will go over Abbas’ head to accept a deal, which leads to the fnal reason: the PA leadership refuses to make necessary historic decisions.” He ends with this: “international treaties rarely refect ‘justice’, let alone the Palestinian…version of ‘absolute justice’.” The Jewish community understood this in 1948, and so succeeded in birthing a state (“Dealing with Iran must come frst,” Prof. E. Zisser, Israel Hayom Op-ed, 2 Oct. 2018).

At the UN, eight EU nations said, “the EU is truly convinced that the achievements of a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as the capital of both states … is the only viable and realistic way to end the confict and to achieve just and lasting peace,” adding that any successful plan must meet Israeli and Palestinian security needs and Palestinian goals of “statehood and sovereignty; the end of the occupation” and a resolving of all other issues, in line with all previous UN agreements. (“Eight EU states warn Trump peace plan will fail unless based on ’67 lines,” JP, 19 Dec. 2018). That definition of insanity describes this EU approach, which will eventually lead to military intervention to divide Jerusalem, which seems to mark the time of the return of Israel’s King Messiah (Zech. 14:1-3) .

The spirit of Persia still rages

At the Sept. UNGA Iran’s President Rouhani said, “Israel, equipped with nuclear weapons, constitutes the greatest threat to peace and stability in the region and the world.” (“‘Nuclear Israel is biggest threat to world peace,’…” Israel Hayom, 26 Sept. 2018). Most of Netanyahu’s September UN speech focused on Iran. He said back in 2015, “Of the nearly 200 countries that sit in this hall, only Israel openly opposed the nuclear deal with Iran,” as it threatened Israel’s existence by paving “Iran’s path to a nuclear arsenal. And by lifting the sanctions, it’s fueled Iran’s campaign of carnage and conquest throughout the ME.”

The deal was founded on the “lie that Iran is not seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Israel exposed that lie” (in Feb. 2018), raiding Iran’s secret atomic archive, obtaining over 100,000 documents and videos, and getting “hard evidence of Iran’s plans to build nuclear weapons…” Israel shared all this evidence plus more with the P5+1 nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Yet to this date, the IAEA has done nothing. So Bibi exposed yet another secret facility in Iran, which stores “massive amounts of equipment and materiel from Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program.” He then said to Iran’s leaders, “Israel knows what you’re doing; Israel knows where you’re doing it; Israel will never let a regime aiming for its annihilation to develop nuclear weapons … we will continue to act against you in Syria … in Lebanon … in Iraq … whenever and wherever we must act to defend our state and defend our people.

In 2015, Bibi had asked the UN if “anyone seriously believes that fooding Iran’s radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression?” Many did, but they were wrong. Iran is using those funds “to fuel its vast war machine.” In 2018 alone, “Iran has attacked Kurds in Iraq, slaughtered Sunnis in Syria, armed Hezbollah in Lebanon, fnanced Hamas in Gaza, fred missiles into Saudi Arabia, and threatened the freedom of navigation of several major sea lanes”. Iran’s aggression was not confned to the ME. In August, “Iranian agents were arrested for plotting terror attacks in America and in Europe … yet while the US is confronting Iran with new sanctions, Europe and others are appeasing Iran by helping it bypass those sanctions”. Bibi added “I just used … a very strong word – appeasement. However, this is what Europe is doing again.”

The very week Iran was “trying to murder European citizens,” EU leaders rolled out the red carpet for Rouhani, “promising to give Iran even more money.” Netanyahu then asked, “have these European leaders learned nothing from history? Will they ever wake up?” Despite Israel’s open and persistent warnings, the nuclear deal has “brought war ever closer to our borders,” with Iran overseeing anti-Israel activities in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. Yet this deal has had positive fruit.”By empowering Iran, it brought Israel and many Arab states closer…in an intimacy and friendship… unimaginable a few years ago.” (PM Netanyahu’s speech at the UNGA, TOI, 27 Sept. 2018.)

A JP editorial said Rouhani is seen by the West as “moderate,” so he was able to be “the main architect” of this deal, “on Iran’s behalf…” Yet in late 2018, he “showed his true face” as being far from moderate towards Israel and the US. Speaking to the annual Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, he said one of the “effects of WW II was formation of acancerous tumor [Israel] in the region,” and that the West “formed the fake Israeli regime and killed and displaced the historical nation of Palestine.” Wait! What historical nation? (“Iranian aggression,” JP Editorial, 25 Nov. 2018).

Tawil wrote that “Iran has decided to pay stipends to families of Palestinians killed during the weekly Hamas-sponsored riots along the Gaza-Israel border…” Iran is telling them, “If you want money and a good life, send your children to die on the border with Israel.” This decision was announced shortly after Rouhani’s Tehran statement, his words being “confirmation of Iran’s openly declared goal of destroying Israel.” It is clear “Iran is prepared to pursue its fight against Israel and the US to the last Palestinian or Arab or Muslim …The question is, will the international community allow this plan to continue, or will it wake up to the fact that Iran has much more than Israel and the US in its sights?” (“Why Iran Funds Palestinian Terrorists,” B. Tawil, Gatestone Institute, 3 Dec. 2018).

The rise of the ancient hatred – anti-Semitism

In 2004, Nathan Sharansky was head of the Jewish Agency. He developed a “three D” test for what he called “new antisemitism.” Demonization is “when Israel’s actions are blown out of all sensible proportion and comparisons are made, for example, between Israelis and Nazis, or Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz. Double standard is “when criticism of Israel is applied selectively and the Jewish state is singled out.” And delegitimization is “when Israel’s fundamental right to exist is denied.

The Boycott, Divestment & Sanction campaign is part of this new antisemitism. Its goal, a one-state solution, will “end the Zionist enterprise that led…to the establishment of the world’s only Jewish state.” (“New Antisemitism,” JP Editorial, 15 Sept. 2017). Implausibly, some believers join this movement, wanting to boycott all Israeli products. They could start with their Bibles – a made-in-Israel product – and then they could boycott Messiah Yeshua, who was born here.

German politician M. Weber, head of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament and member of the conservative Christian Social Union in Bavaria, spoke at an EU conference on anti-Semitism. Interviewed by Israel Hayom, he said the growth of European anti-Semitism “is an absolute warning sign …” In France, “violent anti-Semitic incidents rose by an inconceivable 69%, in 2018. Britain has seen a 30% increase, and once again in Germany people are being attacked for being Jews. “The growing anti-Semitism makes me uneasy. Not just public attacks but the ‘relativization’ of anti-Semitism creeping into people’s minds…” (“Top German diplomat troubled by growing anti-Semitism in Europe,” E. Beck, Israel Hayom, 21 Nov. 2018.)

Interviewed on CNN, Netanyahu responded to a large CNN poll showing more than 20% of Europeans think Jews have “too much influence” in the world. He diferentiated between the old European anti-Semitism from the far right, and today’s new version coming “from extreme left and radical Islamic pockets…” He declared, “The idea that Jewish people don’t have the right to a state, that’s the ultimate anti-Semitism of today.“(“Netanyahu: Denying Israel’s right to exist is the ‘ultimate’ anti-Semitism,” TOI, 28 Nov. 2018).