
And so the story draws to a close. What is in store for us?

In becoming one of us Jesus fulfilled prophecy. But there is a greater fulfilment to come when both the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb will live with mankind for ever.

The first time a person reads through the Bible from cover to cover, coming to the closing chapters of Revelation feels like quite an achievement. The Bible contains an epic story stretching from before time began to beyond the distant future.

We now come to the end of one story and the beginning of another. The story which is ending is the one which started long ago at creation. In the beginning God created a perfect world and gave it to mankind to look after. Soon Satan entered that world. In jealousy he deceived Eve causing her to disobey God. The fall of man corrupted the whole world. The Bible recounts a story of decline and redemption as it leads through the history of a chosen nation up to the pivotal event of history. That event is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jesus, we who deserve punishment for our sin can, through faith, be forgiven.

Now it is revealed that this is not the end. The Bible is only the prologue to the real story. The final two chapters of Revelation provide us with a trailer for what lies ahead.

The close of Revelation is a description of the fulfilment of all that God intended when He created man. It is a description in words using things we know. That is the only means of revealing to us what “”Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him”, but God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 2: 9 – 10) We should let the Holy Spirit use these words to thrill our imagination with the glory of all that God is doing and of which we can be a part. The symbolism in these chapters is explained in more detail in the book ‘Revelations of Jesus Christ’ (see opposite). This article only provides an outline of what lies ahead.

Revelation 21 and 22

The old creation has fled away from the presence of God. Everything sinful and evil has been cast into the lake of fire. The devil and his followers will never again disturb the peace of heaven.

The Son of God left the glory of His Father’s house, emptied Himself and became Man (Philippians 2: 5 – 11) so that He would win a bride and bring her to a new home. That bride is now seen. The faithful have been prepared by the Holy Spirit to be the bride. They will live with the Bridegroom in the place prepared for them, the New Jerusalem. God and men will live forever in harmony. The lessons of sin have been learnt. Death, sorrow and pain are now things of the past. Even in glory Jesus has not changed. The One who washed the disciple’s feet will wipe away our tears. He will wipe away all the sorrowful memories of the past. In His presence, due to His love and wisdom, we will have eternal joy and peace.

Heaven on Earth

We are not transported to live in the spiritual realm. The reverse takes place. The Father and the Son come to dwell in their material creation. Creation becomes the new heaven. Two thousand years ago the eternal Son of God entered our world and became a man. Jesus used the title ‘Son of Man’. He remains a man and will live with us and rule His new creation as a man.

In this new creation Jesus will “transform our lowly body that it may conform to His glorious body” (Philippians 3: 21). We will receive new bodies in preparation for living in His new world.

Isaiah prophesied that the Son born to the virgin would be called ‘Immanuel’, (Isaiah 7: 14). Immanuel means ‘God with us’. The prophecy was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus the Messiah. The closing words of Revelation reveal that there is a greater fulfilment to come. Both the Father and the Son will come and dwell in their creation. We will serve Him and reign in that creation forever and ever.


We have been permitted to glimpse into the glorious future. The prophecy now closes. We are reminded of the opening words of the prophecy. This is a message sent direct from the throne of God. It is absolutely reliable.

Surely I am coming quickly!” As at the beginning we are reminded that the time is near (Revelation 1: 3). If the time is near then it may be in our lifetime. Therefore every generation should study and take seriously this prophecy. The message contained in it is in fact for all time and every generation.

Jesus taught that the church should always be ready, alert, and watching (Matthew 24: 42, 25: 13, Luke 12: 35 – 40, 21: 34 – 36). By failing to watch the church has many times and in many places become conformed to this world. Nowhere else in scripture are the consequences of being conformed to this present evil age so clearly spelt out.

Outside the city.

Outside the city is the lake of fire, where everyone whose name is not written in the Lamb’s book of life, will be thrown. Jesus used the term ‘Gehenna’ often translated as Hell to describe this place (Matthew 10: 28). It was the name of the rubbish dump outside the city of Jerusalem, from which the smoke of bonfires was always rising. He also called Hell “the outer darkness” (Matthew 22: 13). Hell is so far from the presence of God that His light, which floods His creation, never reaches it.

This is the final warning of the Bible to the unrepentant. God does not want 22 anyone to go there. But if they continue in their rebellion they will be treated like rubbish consigned to a tiny, miserable, tormented, corner of His creation, destroyed and forgotten.

The blessing

The blessing which opened the prophecy is repeated here. “Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 1:3. Having got this far, you will have read or heard these words. Now it is down to us to keep them.

Daniel was told to seal up the words of his prophecy until the end time (Daniel 12: 9). It is then that they would be understood. The message of Revelation is not sealed for it is not limited to the end of this age. It is a call to righteous living in every age.

The righteous are to persevere in their righteousness until He calls them home. They have heeded the words of this prophecy and are blessed by doing so.

Another warning

Such is the divine inspiration of this prophecy that it closes with a warning. Those who tamper with what it says will lose their place in the New Jerusalem. Both translators and interpreters beware; to alter the meaning and mislead the redeemed will be judged severely by God. The matters dealt with here lead either to eternal salvation or final punishment. Take care lest we cause others to stumble.

In conclusion Jesus Himself bears witness to all that is written in this prophecy.

“Surely I am coming quickly”.

In reply the church affirms, “Amen, Even so, come Lord Jesus”.

The eternal story now begins – will you be part of it?

Revelations of Jesus Christ

The series of articles ‘Twelve Revelations of Jesus Christ’ is now available as a book. In the book the series has been expanded to include more revelations of Jesus Christ and thoughts on related subjects. The following quote from the introduction to the book makes clear its purpose.

“The opening words of the book of Revelation confirm its purpose. It is ‘a revelation of Jesus Christ’. The Son does not glorify Himself. It is His Father who reveals His Son, so that we can give to Jesus the glory due. He is a Son who, in perfect humility, submission and obedience, has brought about the salvation of mankind.

The Son is central to all that follows. The future, our future, is entirely bound up in Him. If we want to understand the things which must shortly take place, we need to understand Jesus Christ. Therefore, as we come to study Revelation our primary question is; ‘what does this book reveal about Jesus?’

The following studies bring different insights into the character of Jesus. Some revelations confirm what has gone before, others occur nowhere else in scripture.

“One day all of heaven and earth will bow before Jesus Christ. Revelation is a foretaste of the glory which belongs to Him alone.”

In these last days we need to keep our focus on Jesus. Whatever trouble may come if we look to Him, He will carry us through.

Copies of this book are available from either Christian Publications International (see advert on the back cover) or Trumpet Ministries, 48 Newlands, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JA. The cost including postage is £10.00.