Irish eyes are smiling

Well they would be, once they have discovered Nevin-Shalom Ministries.

Colin Nevin from Bangor, Northern Ireland, shares his vision in founding Nevin-Shalom Ministries..

The key word in ministry is service. It is the behind the scenes arranging and slog that may not be evident on the surface, but it is the blessing from the LORD in seeking to follow His will for all of our lives that leads some into full time ministry or service, yet it is really the call of God on all of our lives.

It is not always easy to step out in a new direction and the most difficult area of all is one’s own home town. Yeshua experienced this in Nazareth where He could do little because the people who knew Him best did not believe in Him. Nonetheless, after 10 years in Israel as a chef working for an Anglican Mission for 4 years and 6 years at the Hilton Tel-Aviv, it was back to my home town of Bangor that I returned and eventually felt led to start Nevin-Shalom Ministries.

The essence of what I wanted to share in Bangor and further afield was the link between the early Jewish Church in Jerusalem, the Celtic Church in Ireland and Britain before the Synod of Whitby in 664 and the emerging Messianic Church growing apace over the past fifty years and the commonality between the three, a bit like a three-leafed shamrock, a symbol Patrick used to describe the ‘echad‘ tri-unity of God. Their practices and beliefs were the same.

Activities change all the time, but cover literature distribution, open air outreach, weekly Sabbath meetings, a six-part ‘Aleph’ Course to instruct in the Hebraic roots of our faith as an extra to what the ‘Alpha’ Course omits, namely Greek vs Hebrew, and Hebrew lessons are also part of the mix. The aim is also to counter anti-Semitism in all its forms, showing love and support for Israel and the Jewish people and teaching on the importance of One New Man. As a chef I have been able to present authentic Passover meals and other festive delights I learned whilst living in Israel. Also a monthly booklet naturally called ‘Food For Thought’ tackles different topical subjects supplying spiritual food as well as natural for those into whose hands they may fall. (Watch the table next you’re in an airport lounge or a hospital waiting room!) Hospital is the last mention after six years of chemotherapy and dialysis with Amyloidosis which creates its own challenge, yet God has been gracious and I have outlived the doctors’ prognosis by 4 and a half years and now a kidney transplant a year ago. God is good.

The source of all inspiration comes from our knowing Yeshua, and it is to Him I give glory for anything that I have been able to do for His kingdom. I am only one small stone, but together, and hopefully in unity, God’s people are being built up together as a beautiful Temple worthy of the Lord’s presence.

For further information on NevinShalom Ministries or to contact Colin: E-mail: Tel/mob: 02891 226753 / 077 1947 1503.


Foundations 13 National conference in The Hayes, Derbyshire. April 2020 – Advert in next issue!

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