Worship the Creator

The evidence points to a Creator. But a rebellious world will not submit to the one who made us.

Jesus opened His ministry with a quotation from Isaiah. It started with the words “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me” and ended with, “to proclaim the favourable year of the Lord”. Luke 4: 18 – 19. The prophecy in Isaiah 61: 2 continues with the words “And the day of vengeance of our God”.

For the last 2000 years we have lived in a time of God’s favour. It has been a time when the gospel has been taken to all nations. A time when a way of salvation has been offered to all people. But the favourable day of the Lord will not last for ever. There will come a day when our God pours out His vengeance on a rebellious, sinful world.

Revelation chapter 14 contains three final warnings of coming wrath. The first warning is the gospel preached to all who dwell on the earth. The second warning is the fall of Babylon. The final warning is the reign of the beast after which will come God’s judgment on a rebellious world. This article will look at the first of these final warnings.

The gospel to all people

Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14. Before judgment can come, the followers of Christ must complete the commission to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16: 15. In his vision John sees an angel flying in heaven with the everlasting gospel to be preached to all who dwell on the earth. The gospel having been preached, God is looking for a response. The angel calls on people everywhere to, “Fear God and give the glory to Him” and to “worship Him who made the heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Revelation 14: 7.

We live in an age when men have rejected the idea of a creator. According to scientific mythology, existence is due to a random process of mutation guided by what is called ‘natural selection’. If we are the product of natural processes there is no God. Therefore there is no need to either fear God or give Him glory.

In the United Kingdom, the British Humanist Association waged a long campaign to have evolution taught in Primary Schools from the age of 10. This was coupled with a ban on teaching creationism which they labelled as pseudo-science. These measures came into force in September 2014. They claimed that creation must not be taught as it was not in their opinion evidence based. However science is not stuck in the nineteenth century. The following quotes from Dr. John Stanford’s book ‘Genetic Entropy’ illustrate the problems which current science is causing the idea that life evolved. Dr. Stanford was a professor at Cornell University involved in genetic research. He headed the team that developed the ‘gene gun’ which enables genetic editing.

During the last half century, the scientific enterprise has opened up a door into an almost surrealistic, Lilliputian realm of self-replicating robotic manufacturing plants, with components whirring at tens of thousands of RPM, automated parcel addressing, transportation and distribution systems and complex monitoring and feedback control systems. Of course, this is the realm of cell and molecular biology. It is a realm in which tens of thousands of different kinds of sophisticated Nano machines perform incredible chemical feats inside the living cell. Above and beyond this cellular complexity is the equally complex realm of the organism, with trillions of cells working in astonishing coordination, and above that is realm of the brain with its multiplied trillions of neural connections. Confronted with such staggering complexity, the reflective person naturally asks, “How did all this come to exist?”” (Page i para 1)

“An organism’s genome is the sum total of all its genetic parts, including all its chromosomes, genes, and nucleotides. A genome is an instruction manual that specifies a particular form of life. The human genome is a manual that instructs human cells to be human cells and the human body to be the human body. There is no information system designed by man that can even begin to compare to the simplest genome in complexity.” (Page 1 : para 1)

A complete human genome consists of two sets of 3 billion individual letters each.” (Page 2: para 3)

“The genome is not a simple string of letters spelling out a linear series of instructions. It actually embodies multiple linear codes that overlap and constitute an exceedingly sophisticated information system embodying what is called data compression.” (Page 3: para 2)

“In addition to multiple, overlapping, linear, language-like forms of genetic information, the genome is full of countless loops and branches like a computer program. It has genes that regulate genes that regulate genes. It has genes that sense changes in the environment and then instruct other genes to react by setting in motion complex cascades of events that can respond to the environmental cue. Some genes actively rearrange themselves, or modify and methylate other gene sequences, basically changing portions of the instruction manual!” (Page 3: para 3)

“Lastly, there is good evidence that linear DNA can fold into two and three- 22 dimensional structures (as do proteins and RNAs) and that such folding probably encodes still higher levels of information. Within the typical non dividing nucleus, there is reason to believe there may be fabulously complex three-dimensional arrays of DNA whose 3-D structure controls higher biological functions” (Page 3: para 4)

“All this information is contained within a genomic package that is in turn, contained within the cell’s nucleus – a space much smaller than a speck of dust. Each human body contains a galaxy of cells – more than 100 trillion – and every one of these cells has a complete set of instructions and its own highly prescribed duties. The human genome not only specifies the complexity of our cells and our bodies, but also the functioning of our brains. The structure and organisation of our brains involves a level of organisation entirely beyond our comprehension.” (Page 4: para 2)

As we recognize the higher-order dimensions of the genome, I believe that we can readily agree with Carl Sagan’s oft-repeated statement that each cell contains more information than the Library of Congress. Indeed, human life is more complex that all human technologies combined! Where did all this information come from, and how can it possibly be maintained? This is the mystery of the genome.” (Page 4: para 3)

The Evidence

The above quotes, besides having a true ‘WOW’ factor, provide, in my opinion, conclusive evidence that we are the product of a supreme intelligence. It is inconceivable that the old formula of mutation guided by natural selection could create such complexity. Therefore, despite what the humanists may think, the evidence is on the side of creation not evolution.

In ‘Genetic Entropy’ Dr. Stanford goes on to explain that mutation, far from being the key to the evolution of higher species, is slowly killing us. The majority of mutations are harmful. The genomes of all living creatures are slowly degenerating. Eventually this will result in the creature no longer being viable.

The Worship

It is fitting that the creature should worship his creator. Especially a Creator who brought us into existence so that we could enjoy His wonderful creation. Gaining a glimmer of understanding regarding the complexity of life leaves us in awe of so great a Being. Even more awe-inspiring is the knowledge that this incredible Creator became part of His own creation. The One who created the Universe became a man and lived on earth. He personally took responsibility for our failings bearing the punishment for our sins.

One day we will have the immense privilege of meeting the Creator who gave His life for our sin. I can only imagine that at that meeting I will be struck dumb in awe and wonder.

The end result of proclaiming the gospel should be, as the angel in the heavens cries out, our worship of the One who made the heaven, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.

The Rebellion

The Bible is realistic and recognises that the majority of people are unwilling to submit and obey. Psalm 2:1–3 sums it up “the rulers take council together, against the Lord and His Anointed, saying let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.” The wisdom of the Maker’s instructions is seen as a burden.

The gospel will be preached to all people and then rejected by the rulers of this world. They will be entrenched in their opposition to Christ and fight against Him when he returns to claim His throne. In response God will pour out His wrath.

With the rejection of the gospel by the leaders of the nations the age of God’s favour draws to a close.