The Longest Hatred

As Bible literacy drops, Jew hatred increases and will continue until Jesus returns

Seth Frantzman says the “emerging Russia-Turkey alliance in defense and energy,” will have a major impact “on the ME and Israel.” Turkey has bought “Russia’s S-400 air defense system“, and these nations are developing the “TurkStream pipeline” to bring gas across the Black Sea from Russia to Turkey. Turkey and Russia will also work closer together “to end the Syrian conflict,” and other regional and global issues. Turkey is separating itself “from its traditional alliance with the US,” and focusing on an alliance with Russia and others, which in the long term could include a “Russia-Syria-Iran-Turkey-Qatar” block.

This has long-term implications for Israel” as it is a close US ally and actively “opposes the rising power of Iran…” Until the mid-2000s Israel and Turkey were allies, “but that was dissolved by Turkey’s Erdogan. Russia and Israel also enjoy good relations today, but what happens if their interests begin to clash in places like Syria, where tensions already exist?” (“Russia & Turkey are becoming allies, overshadowing Israel, S. J. Frantzman, JP Analysis, 29 July 2019)

With Turkey receiving Russia’s S-400 system, the US removed Turkey from its F-35 program (an answer to prayer). If Iran sides with Russia and courts Turkey, we have Ezekiel 38 named nations united in a way thought impossible a short time ago: Magog = Russia and/or Turkey; Persia = Iran…”

Italian journalist Giulio Meotti sums up the demise of Western civilization. At Normandy on the 75th anniversary of D-Day, Trump called the 9,388 US soldiers who died there, the “pride of our nation.” Meotti honored those Americans “who gave Europe freedom from the tyranny of the Nazi swastika,” but added that Europe’s current mindset is anti-Western, and anti-American, with a “pathological hatred for Trump…” This thinking “reveals itself in a suicidal pacifism, especially in Germany, a very rich country but never rich enough to put a euro in NATO’s budget and in its own defense. It reveals itself in the new European religion: “climate change”, and in the EU’s rejection of national borders. In America this anti-Western mindset is seen in a younger generation so indoctrinated by socialist teachers that they hate their own governmental system, which has long been the envy of the world.

While the “European identity” has vanished, there is a “consensus on two fronts: anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism. American and Israeli flags are burned both in Teheran, and in European capitals.” (“D-Day? Europe is imbued with anti-Americanism,” Giulio Meotti, Arutz 7 Op-ed, 7 June 2019) The reason for America’s anti-Biblical direction today is in the Church. A large survey exposed [both] a discrediting and ignorance of God’s Word. Looking at America today, Christian historian David Barton asked not “Where has God gone?” but “Where are His people?” Barton, working with George Barna, a Christian pollster, said a survey of 384,000 churches and senior pastors “on Christian values and beliefs” showed that “72% of (US) churches and senior pastors do not agree with the Bible and its teachings.”

Only 28% believe both the Bible and its doctrines. Among this group, while “97% say the Bible speaks directly to hotbutton political topics today,” yet they refuse to preach on these issues – because they are political! Only 3% of pastors are willing to speak on what the Bible says, “if it’s also in the news.” The poll also showed that “only 14% of Christians read the Bible every day,” and less than 10% have a Biblical worldview!

The fruit of disdain for the Word is a culture becoming more anti-God daily. Barton: “We’re now in a place described… in the Bible where everyone did what was right in their own eyes,” and he asks again, “Where is God’s people? Why have they stopped studying His Word and why do they no longer believe what He said? (“D. Barton: Only 2.8% of American Pastors are willing to preach these biblical truths,” The Strang Report,, 9 July 2019)

A goal of the ideology of humanism is to erase all differences between peoples, races, even sexes. US Rabbi Eli Kavon addresses one area – the erroneous idea that if all humans spoke one language, there would be world peace and harmony. This goal of “peace and international understanding” via a universal tongue, ignores reality and history, which is full of “examples of peoples speaking the same language” slaughtering each other.

Also, if everyone spoke and wrote with one language it would destroy “the creativity and diversity that is the core of genius of individual civilizations.” While some may argue that with one tongue, history might “have been a placid affair without war and strife,” yet alternatively, “a monolithic language opens the way for enforced uniformity and totalitarianism.”

Kavon: “Nationalism should not be the enemy of globalization but it should temper a universalism that robs individuals, civilizations and nations of their unique identity. A One World Order impoverishes creativity and genius and assumes that national, religious, and cultural identities are malignant and nefarious,” and it would rob people “of their history, their legacy, their culture and faith by imposing a generic system of the myth that everyone can be a citizen of the world.” Yet there is no such citizen; we all inherit “a unique legacy through unique nations and peoples…” To reject or deny this reality leads to denying who we are and to engaging “in self-destructive self-hatred.” (“No return to Babel,” E. Kavon, JP Op-ed, 19 May 2019)

Anti-Semitism & Aliyah

As anti-Semitism openly stalks the earth, we pray for Jews in exile to see the demon-inspired hate-filled words and swastikas on synagogue walls and on Jewish tombstones. We view this as God releasing the hunters to chase His people home (Jer. 16:16), yet it is also a warning to the world, especially the haughty West, as history’s oft-repeated lesson is that what starts against the Jews, soon targets the rest of society (Rom. 2:9-10).

JP’s Herb Keinon quotes a line from American satirist Tom Lehrer’s 1965 National Brotherhood Week: “Oh the Protestants hate the Catholics, and the Catholics hate the Protestants, and the Hindus hate the Muslims, and everybody hates the Jews.” He adds that while not “everybody hates the Jews,” Lehrer, a satirist, used exaggeration to make his point, exposing the sad truth, that antisemitism has always united various divisions of humanity.

Argentinian-born Israeli author, G. Perednik, sums it up in his book ‘Judeophobia’. “The Jews were accused by the nationalists of being creators of Communism; by the Communists of ruling Capitalism. If they live in non-Jewish countries, they are accused of doubleloyalties; if they live in the Jewish country, of being racists. When they spend their money, they are reproached for being ostentatious; when they don’t spend their money, of being avaricious. They are called rootless cosmopolitans or hardened chauvinists. If they assimilate, they are accused of being fifth-columnists, if they don’t, of shutting themselves away.”

There’s a tendency today to politicize all anti-Semitic acts and use them against your political opponent. “But antisemitism is bigger than all that.” It plagues both Left and Right. “It is an ever-present motif in the Muslim world,” is found among Jews themselves, and it’s here to stay. “We can despair its resilience. But it is a fixture of humanity.” As the Passover Haggada says, “In every single generation people rise up to destroy us,” which is then followed by, “But the Holy One saves us from their hands.”

Believers say amen, non-believers shrug or reject the mention of God, yet “Jewish history is a testament to the survival of the Jews, despite the ever-present hatred…that spans centuries and morphs from one form to the next.” While “antisemitism will not disappear,” Israel makes a huge difference today. Jews now “have the ability to…protect and defend themselves to a degree unthinkable a century ago.” (“Antisemitism & the altered state of the Jews,” H. Keinon, JP Op-ed, 29 Apr. 2019)

Seth Frantzman tackled the “I-was-not-aware-it-was-antiSemitic” outbreak in tweets, political cartoons and various other social media platforms in the West. “In each instance the excuse is someone made a mistake, was just being ‘dumb’ or quickly tweeting, they didn’t ‘notice’ the antiSemitism.” Yet, is it more likely “that large numbers of people put up racist posts and say racist things and it’s all a mistake,” or that they are habitually “anti-Jewish because it is considered a norm in their milieu?

These are not coincidences; “no other group in America or the West is subjected to such systematic, daily abuse from wellknown sources on social media, as the Jews.” Only one lifetime after the Holocaust – Western anti-Jewish racism has come out of the closet. Whether they’re racists subconsciously or overtly, no one “draws a cartoon with a Star of David ‘by mistake‘.”

America has had an anti-Semitic scandal almost monthly, yet many “ignore the importance of being anti-racist when it comes to Jews…No other minority group receives such constant hatred with such a low level of expectation that the offender will learn and stop doing it.” Using words like “mistakes” or phrases like “it was stupid” are not valid excuses. “Racism isn’t a mistake. Racism is a worldview…a poison in the mind…”

That western societies seem to need to educate the more educated people,” the political cartoonists, politicians, and actors, the privileged few with the largest influence, on how to not be “racist anti-Semites,” shows us “the real problem is far deeper. For years antisemitism was considered normal.” Why do many say they did not recognize it, yet see antiblack racism clearly? And how does “a civilization that put people into gas chambers for being Jewish and forced them to wear Stars of David before mass murdering them, suddenly not notice the Star of David? One million Jewish children…murdered by the German Nazis in a crime that has become the most common cultural reference in most western countries, and somehow the Star of David they were sent to their deaths in doesn’t automatically leap out when you see it and make you think twice about putting it on cartoon dogs (the NY Times) or on memes?” (“The shameful rise in antisemitism behind Cusack’s anti-Semitic tweet,” S. J. Frantzman, JP Op-ed, 20 June 2019)

Yigal Carmon, president of the ME Media Research Institute said in a recent interview the threat to America’s freedom comes from jihadi terrorists as a fruit of “the ideological incitement of preachers in mosques,” but also there are “white supremacists, neo-Nazis, fascists, others” who “pose a mortal threat to Jews, people of color,” and the LGBTQ community. “This deadly two-pronged attack” is birthing a situation “where dignified and safe Jewish communal life in America is almost impossible…

When he tried to warn US Jewish organizations of MEMRI’s findings, he was shocked to see the Jewish community leaders afraid to deal with this “in a proactive, comprehensive way.” Not only did they “fear for their own personal safety,” but they feared openly challenging “radical Islamists” and then being accused of being Islamophobic. Carmon: “So while Islamist preachers are free to call for killing Jews…it is Islamophobic to counter them.” (“Supremacists, jihadis form ‘2-pronged attack’ threatening Jews in US,” Israel Hayom, 27 June 2019)

All of the above makes aliyah an essential matter for prayer, financial support and work for Messiah’s Body today.

Jews defending Jesus

When Palestinians claim Jesus as one of their own, the Church is often silent. Yet Israelis are not, as more Jews openly defend the Jewishness of Jesus. So the Church allows, because of political correctness, another Jesus to be declared, while Jews defend the true historical One!

We hope you agree, because if the Jesus whom you trust in was not – and is still not – a Jew, then you believe in another Jesus (a cosmic Christ?), and trust in another gospel which is not linked to God’s promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:3b, cp. Gal. 3:8), which leaves you open to be deceived by another spirit, as God’s Holy Spirit only bears witness to the King of the Jews, the King of Kings and Savior of the World, the Lord Yeshua (John 16:14).

In July, Women’s March organizer and far-left activist Linda Sarsour tweeted, “Jesus was a Palestinian of Nazareth and is described in the Quran as being brown copper skinned with wooly hair.” Her tweet drew “criticism and mockery,” as many social media users noted that “Jesus was unquestionably Jewish, and that no Palestinian identity or land of Palestine existed at the time.” That place name dates from 132 AD, when the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the Land of Israel ‘Syria Palestina’.

Then Sarsour tweeted, “Jesus was born in Bethlehem… Bethlehem is in Palestine It’s currently militarily occupied by Israel and home to a predominately beautiful Palestinian Christian community. Yes, the birthplace of Jesus is under military occupation.”

Bibi’s son Yair tweeted, “On the cross above Jesus’ head was the sign ‘INRI’… which means in Latin ‘Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews’…The Bible says Jesus was born and raised in Judea!” (“PM’s son hits Sarsour for ‘Jesus was Palestinian’ claim,” Arutz 7, 8 July 2019)

We love the fact that Netanyahu’s son declared the truth about Yeshua – regardless of his personal relation with his Messiah at this time. Lord, save him and all his family. Amen.

And so all Israel shall be saved… As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. Rom. 11:26a, 28.